perfect days

perfect days

I’ve spent my time this weekend doing not much of anything except perhaps the most important thing of all; spending time with my oldest daughter. Just she and I. And it’s been nothing short of magic.

Still on a high from the evening, I was eager to see these shots from our walk back from dinner. This is only the kind of beauty that can be found when you’re in the right frame of mind to see it. And they came straight out of the camera, with no coaxing. Which isn’t any surprise in light of the moments shared between my daughter and I. They’re precisely what dreams are made of.

  • golightly
    Posted at 07:30h, 25 April Reply

    So beautiful and peaceful. I spent the day with Harrison, a nice day after a challenging week of parenting.

  • Peggy - Small Steps to Giant Leaps
    Posted at 09:27h, 25 April Reply

    So lovely!! I love what you’ve captured in the lightpole. Since I have a Flourishes stamp like with that type of light, I’ll use this as inspiration next time I color it!! See, Tracey, you never know what will get inspired by your work!! And thanks for sharing about how wonderful your time was with your daughter! I can never get enough of time with mine; with or without the grandkids in tow.

  • Kathryn
    Posted at 10:32h, 25 April Reply

    What beautiful pics, makes me miss the sea. Glad you had such a lovely time with your daughter.

  • Marcie
    Posted at 17:03h, 25 April Reply

    Love this – the time you’re spending with your daughter..and the wonderful evening images. Enjoy EVERY moment!!!

  • Leisa Hammett
    Posted at 19:45h, 25 April Reply

    Beautiful. The words & the imagery.

  • blissmamaof3
    Posted at 20:33h, 25 April Reply

    Per today’s Picture Spring instructions, I want you to know how much you inspire me. I look forward to the images on your blog each morning and am absolutely loving Picture Spring. Thank you so very much for sharing your incredible talent with the rest of us!

  • Kerry
    Posted at 21:59h, 25 April Reply

    Love the photos ! As always Tracy you inspire us!

  • Life in Eden
    Posted at 01:12h, 26 April Reply

    While I’m certainly not rushing my children to grow up, I am eager to see who they become and have the kind of day you describe. To really talk to them and hear their thoughts.

    And as was said, thank you for the inspiration. Both in photography and approaching motherhood and life. I’m finding too many avenues to explore thanks to this community!

  • tracy
    Posted at 13:12h, 26 April Reply

    The beauty and serenity of your posts leave me wanting time with my own daughter…some of our best have been at suset on the beach.

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