19 Apr
I’m IT! I’m IT! I have been tagged and I am IT IT IT! I feel all warm and mushy and so very loved by the blogosphere right now. Kay, so what I understand is that someone out there (namely sweatpantsmom) wants to know 6 interesting and/or strange things about me. Can you believe it? I’m giddy, like I’m getting ready for a first date or something. I know, enough already. Anyway, this thing I’ve been tagged to do is called a “meme” and truth be told, I have NO IDEA what it means or where it comes from but everyone’s doin’ it so who cares!
Here goes-
1. I have traveled across country in a VW bus TWICE. Once when I was 5 with my hippy parents and once when I was 23 with my hippy girlfriends. I can’t remember much of the first go round but the second…TIME OF MY LIFE!
2. I cannot imagine having to live a day without strong coffee and my slippers.
3. I can eat my weight in M&Ms, peanut or plain (I’m not picky). I eat Ice Cream every night. Yes, I’m eating some now, so? Oh, and while we’re talking vices, I’ll add semi-sweet chocolate chips by-the-bagful to my list.
4. My grandfather is famous. He’s a legendary Hot Rodder and has a big, beautiful coffee table book written about him and the whole bit. And he’s alive and well enough to be basking in his fame. It’s awesome to see. Just google him man, he’s all over the place. Yes, he did play “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” on his Fender Stratocaster at a recent gala they held in his honor. The guys like 80 something. One things for sure, I got good genes on my side.
5. I love the Grateful Dead and will forever be a proud and faithful Dead Head. Enough said.
6. I use Lansinoh on my lips. Not to mention any cut or scrape or abrasion on myself or any other member of my family. Yes, I said Lansinoh, as in the best thing that ever happened to a nursing mother’s chapped, cracked nipples. Secrets out.
There you have it. So now I get to tag people. Boy, this is cool. Um, well, most of the people that I know are reading this don’t even blog (CHICKENS!) and to top that, they don’t even bother registering so they can comment on my blog, thank so much. Sheesh. You so know who you are! I’ll start by tagging my oldest and dearest friend (who is the crazy kid who got me into this thing in the first place) Claddyjack, and the sweet Noelle, and Amy who is all up in her livejournal world and Tante Myriam who is poised and ready to begin blogging but hasn’t yet, and lastly Kirsten who is talking about diving in but won’t and this my dear is your chance to go for it!!!!! Oh, and Kerri-Lynne, if I thought you read this, I’d tag you too but I don’t think you do. Humph.
And I almost forgot Elisa at the new Momready blog. Yes, it’s the same place Kristen is trying to score her i pod shuffle from. TAG!!!! (oops, that’s more than 6-shucks)
Well, OK, that was fun.
Posted at 11:53h, 19 AprilI knew you were famous – I mean, aside from the books and all 🙂
AND, I love me some momready! I need to get Cool Mom Picks up in that joint…
Posted at 20:03h, 19 AprilI’ve actually been tagged? Awesome!
Why does being tagged for one’s first meme feel shockingly like being asked to Blog Prom? Or is it just me?
(Is there a Blog Prom? There should be.)
Posted at 01:10h, 20 AprilYou mean to tell me I’ve known you all these years and I didn’t know your grandfather was Alex Xydias owner of the So-Cal Speed Shop?! If I had a grandad with a name like that i’d be mentioning him all the time.
I knew the rest though 😉
Yeah Blog Prom.
Posted at 04:40h, 20 AprilA Blog Prom! INDEED!
I know, I know, that’s exactly how I felt!
Posted at 19:10h, 20 April[throwing hands up in the air] All done! One meme, hot off the grill.
That was fun. Thanks for the tag!
Posted at 01:19h, 21 AprilGreat list!
And I’m with you on #2. Is there any reason to go on without coffee?
Posted at 05:58h, 24 AprilWell Ok – I’ve done it! Tracey you are my mentor!
Though I am not satisfied with the arrangement of stuff on my template it’s all new and fun!