Author: Tracey

I'm excited to announce that the Spring Issue of  Coast Kids (a magazine for OC Moms) hit our local newsstand. You might recognize that lovely hula-hoopin' girl on the cover. Since many (most?) of you aren't local I can only offer a link to the online version of the mag. That's...

Love isn't always easy. Even when it's fresh and new there are still struggles and sleepless nights. And yet, I can't help but be swept away by love as much as I am deeply perplexed by it's many complications and complexities. I recently came across a quote by Einstein that simply put, says it...

Are you my mama? After a grand party at the Mom 2.0 Summit and a great night sleep in a big yummy hotel bed I woke to an email with this photo attached. I guess, as I have been away the right dog we have been looking...