Junie and me. ...
Rummaging through photo files, looking for a certain image I know was somewhere on my computer but I just didn't know where, I found this. I know that the first time I quickly scanned over this shot after uploading it with the many others I took that day, I...
I'm excited to announce that the Spring Issue of Coast Kids (a magazine for OC Moms) hit our local newsstand. You might recognize that lovely hula-hoopin' girl on the cover. Since many (most?) of you aren't local I can only offer a link to the online version of the mag. That's...
Having a new baby in the house means we're outside enjoying our yard like it's summer. Of course the summer weather has made it easy. I hate to even go there considering many of you are in the middle of snow storms. My apologies. The youthful...
I am so excited about this month's One Word Project at Shutter Sisters. Is it obvious? ...
Love isn't always easy. Even when it's fresh and new there are still struggles and sleepless nights. And yet, I can't help but be swept away by love as much as I am deeply perplexed by it's many complications and complexities. I recently came across a quote by Einstein that simply put, says it...
The last few days have been an ebb and flow of activity/insights/information/action and waiting/watching/musing/resting. I'm not sure if I could have ever said that in the past upon returning from a conference. But, Mom 2.0 was different. I networked my little heart out, I soaked...
Are you my mama? After a grand party at the Mom 2.0 Summit and a great night sleep in a big yummy hotel bed I woke to an email with this photo attached. I guess, as I have been away the right dog we have been looking...
Some images are captured with an unknowing of what they will mean later. I love uploading shots from my week and finding the hidden meaning...