
A plea to the Mothas-Check out this site pronto. It's called MomsRising and it's all that! Usually when I come across stuff like this I immediately mumble something cruel to myself like, "Why don't you get off your butt and do something this important Tracey?"....

As if it's not enough that the most frequently used word in my vocabulary is "blog" these days, I've had to drag my family along. I really should get a life.Last night we went to eat at a local Sushi Bar. Iris (a mere 2)...

I'm IT! I'm IT! I have been tagged and I am IT IT IT! I feel all warm and mushy and so very loved by the blogosphere right now. Kay, so what I understand is that someone out there (namely sweatpantsmom) wants to know 6...

Taxes done? Check.Refund coming? Check. Check.Exhausted? Most certainly. But, I will go on record to say that although I may be tired I am rested, if that makes any sense. I've had some girl time...

Welp, I'm knee deep in paperwork of the IRS kind (yes, I am one of those tax procrastinators, but to my credit, I've never filed an extension-so there!) . Today I offer a hilarious link to a fantabulous post by the lovely, the talented, sweatpantsmom....

I just got home from a wonderful morning of mommy camaraderie. Today's gathering at bookstore Once Upon a Story was a well needed breath of fresh air. A lovely space to be among other mothers, chatting about mom stuff, sipping coffee (and good coffee at...

I have found myself eager to post something, anything almost everyday now but, as one can easily see, I am not able to execute. SO, I have come up with a new blog that will be compiled of mostly images. I have years and years...

I love the world of celebrity high jinks as much as the next guy. Trash mags and E Entertainment aren't below me. I keep up with the Bennifers and Brangelinas. I won't deny it. However, up until recently I haven't given much thought to Tom...

I'm thinking, since it's almost one in the morning, I have no business posting anything right now. I've had a lot to say and no time to say it (such is life as a mom) but to leave my darling blog postless for days on...