Healthy Ways to Cope In A Crisis

Healthy Ways to Cope In A Crisis

It goes without saying; all of us are struggling in our own ways right now. With worry and fear at the forefront of our daily lives, it’s critical we incorporate more of the things that can help calm our nerves and settle our nervous systems. Big feelings are normal and allowed during times of uncertainty but to keep ourselves sane (we’ve got to keep a clear head whenever possible) and safe (we’ve got to keep our immune systems functioning) there are some simple things that can help.

16 Ways To Cope In A Crisis

Positivity:Being a source of love, kindness, and compassion (for your family, your neighbors, and/or your community-online and off)

Self-Care:Doing things that feel comforting for you (resting, sipping tea, reading, watching tv, napping, and/or savoring comfort food)

Honesty:Sharing your feelings and your struggles with people you trust (it’s healthy and authentic to express your true emotions)

Snuggling:Getting close to things you can safely get close to right now (pets, stuffed animals, blankets, and/or your immediate family if possible)

Nurturing:Lovingly taking care of the people and things that most need your attention right now (your children, your partner, your extended family (safely), your pets, and/or your plants)

Empathy: Feeling how hard circumstances are for other people (especially those that aren’t in your boat, your shoes, your life-stage, or your demographic)

Giving: Finding ways you can contribute to benefit the collective whole (donating, babysitting, delivering goods, and/or offering up your services or specialty)

Creativity:Engaging in activities that awaken and occupy your creative spirit (crafting, writing, cooking, organizing, doodling, scrapbooking and/or puzzle making)

Photography: Focusing on anything that can change your perspective (your loved-ones, nature, everyday life, glimmers of light, and/or things you’re grateful for)

Meditating: Taking a few minutes to focus only on your breath (as long and as often as you can, suspending any/all stress and worry as you slowly breath)

Movement: Moving your body in any and all ways that feel good to you (stretching, walking, yoga, dancing, running, and/or biking)

Music:Listening to or playing music that speaks to you (any genre, soft or loud)

Affirmations:Reading and/or repeating words or messages that calm your nerves (sayings, phrases, quotes, verses, and/or mantras)

Humor: Enjoying anything that gets you laughing (conversation, books, movies, playing games, videos, and/or memes)

Connecting: Touching base with friends and/or family in safe ways (phone calls, FaceTimes, emails, letters, and/or social media)

Space: Giving yourself time and space to be alone even if just for brief moments (indoors, outdoors, in your car, and/or in the shower)

Nature: Spending time outside whenever and however you can (standing, sitting, strolling, running, hiking, and/or walking the dog)

A written list of ways to cope in a crisis on a blue green textured background.
Feel free to download this list HERE.

How are you handling our current crisis? What’s helping you cope? Got anything to add to the list? What’s most important is that we remember, we’re all in this together. Sending extra love to you at this time! Be well and stay healthy.

Disclaimer: All advice here is my own and not intended as medical advice.

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1 Comment
  • Mindy Tsonas
    Posted at 17:24h, 20 March Reply

    Gratitude, creativity and connecting are high on my list. And also allowing myself to feel whatever it is I feel, which seems to change from moment to moment (both good and bad). Sending love your way <3

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