

Taking it day by day trying to remember to breathe and taking cues from all of life’s wonders that present themselves everyday. Finding comfort and peace in the little things and reminding myself to slow down again. It all gets done. It always does.

This past weekend wes a huge gift I gave not only to myself but to my daughter. I know I’ll be reaping the rewards for a long long time.

The kinder I am to myself, the better off I am; my body relaxes and I can see things more clearly. There’s so much beauty in keeping it simple. Sometimes I just lose sight of it.

What have you been reminded of lately? How is life looking in your world?

  • Digital-Grace
    Posted at 14:19h, 26 April Reply

    I love the lady bug, they are so simply beautiful….

    I am posting for the first time – My Best Shot Monday photo…sure hope I’m doing this right!

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 14:28h, 26 April Reply

    Family. And cookies. That’s how I’ve been keeping grounded.

    Great shot. My daughter (almost 3) can’t get enough of it.

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 14:28h, 26 April Reply

    Family. And cookies. That’s how I’ve been keeping grounded.

    Great shot. My daughter (almost 3) can’t get enough of it.

  • Leisa Hammett
    Posted at 14:33h, 26 April Reply

    My writing mentor, shared this affirmation with me: "I have enough time in my day to get everything done that I need to do today. I go with the flow." (It works!) I love this photo. It almost looks surreal! I’m glad to be back here after a little hiatus. Here’s my BSM:

  • Leisa Hammett
    Posted at 14:33h, 26 April Reply

    My writing mentor, shared this affirmation with me: "I have enough time in my day to get everything done that I need to do today. I go with the flow." (It works!) I love this photo. It almost looks surreal! I’m glad to be back here after a little hiatus. Here’s my BSM:

  • DawnS
    Posted at 14:58h, 26 April Reply

    Was frustrated this morning (had maor computer issues…always fun stuff) and then I found this quote that helped me get through it:

    "slow down. calm down. don’t worry. don’t hurry. trust the process." It was my little reminder to trust the Universe.

  • DawnS
    Posted at 14:58h, 26 April Reply

    Was frustrated this morning (had maor computer issues…always fun stuff) and then I found this quote that helped me get through it:

    "slow down. calm down. don’t worry. don’t hurry. trust the process." It was my little reminder to trust the Universe.

  • Puna
    Posted at 15:07h, 26 April Reply

    Well I went to Las Vegas and when I came back I was embroiled in technical issues at work which made it hard to post any Las Vegas photos so I’m doing it slowly.

    The Venetian

    Thank you for asking Tracey!

  • Puna
    Posted at 15:07h, 26 April Reply

    Well I went to Las Vegas and when I came back I was embroiled in technical issues at work which made it hard to post any Las Vegas photos so I’m doing it slowly.

    The Venetian

    Thank you for asking Tracey!

  • Kathryn
    Posted at 15:31h, 26 April Reply

    Keeping it simple is definitely the way to good and it’s often when we do that we find comfort and joy in the little things.

  • Kathryn
    Posted at 15:31h, 26 April Reply

    Keeping it simple is definitely the way to good and it’s often when we do that we find comfort and joy in the little things.

  • tracy
    Posted at 15:45h, 26 April Reply

    The encouraging thing I see in your work is beautiful, almost pensivie shots, maybe as a result where you are? I think there is something of stillness and grace in them to be embraced. My garden is my place of renewal, and out of it flows today’s BSM. http://tracywoodruffphotography.blogspot

  • tracy
    Posted at 15:45h, 26 April Reply

    The encouraging thing I see in your work is beautiful, almost pensivie shots, maybe as a result where you are? I think there is something of stillness and grace in them to be embraced. My garden is my place of renewal, and out of it flows today’s BSM. http://tracywoodruffphotography.blogspot

  • tracy
    Posted at 15:47h, 26 April Reply

    The encouraging thing I see in your work is beautiful, almost pensivie shots, maybe as a result where you are? I think there is something of stillness and grace in them to be embraced. My garden is my place of renewal, and out of it flows today’s BSM. I really love the title.

  • tracy
    Posted at 15:47h, 26 April Reply

    The encouraging thing I see in your work is beautiful, almost pensivie shots, maybe as a result where you are? I think there is something of stillness and grace in them to be embraced. My garden is my place of renewal, and out of it flows today’s BSM. I really love the title.

  • Maggie
    Posted at 17:43h, 26 April Reply

    This is absolutely the perfect message for me to see today…and a gorgeous shot to go along with it…

    This week it’s all about the Nursery Babies

  • Maggie
    Posted at 17:43h, 26 April Reply

    This is absolutely the perfect message for me to see today…and a gorgeous shot to go along with it…

    This week it’s all about the Nursery Babies

  • soraya nulliah
    Posted at 18:30h, 26 April Reply

    Tracey-I can commiserate with this post! Things have been such a crazy whirlwind over here for so long…but I have learned to simplify and prioritize. I realize that if I don’t take care of my needs, I really can’t take care of my family. So now I make it a priority to relax, meditate, appreciate…Feed My soul. I feel calm, centered, focused. This is my BSM… I really love your pic-it is very calming and is another reminder to slow down and appreciate the beauty all around us:)

  • soraya nulliah
    Posted at 18:30h, 26 April Reply

    Tracey-I can commiserate with this post! Things have been such a crazy whirlwind over here for so long…but I have learned to simplify and prioritize. I realize that if I don’t take care of my needs, I really can’t take care of my family. So now I make it a priority to relax, meditate, appreciate…Feed My soul. I feel calm, centered, focused. This is my BSM… I really love your pic-it is very calming and is another reminder to slow down and appreciate the beauty all around us:)

  • Lisa
    Posted at 19:27h, 26 April Reply

    Absolutely gorgeous! Slowing and noticing a beauty like that…then capturing that moment in such a lovely way. I’m so glad you had such a weekend with your daughter – what a treasure.

    I’ve been reminded that growth is possible only when strength & gentleness combine. If I push myself too hard I get burnt out and if I don’t push hard enough I get complacent and just sleep too much. A little push, a little schedule, a little discipline, and a lotta love can go a long way. Thanks for providing a reason and place to share!

  • cindi
    Posted at 20:30h, 26 April Reply

    Thanks for the reminder to slow down and smell the flowers.
    It goes along with my own
    Best Shot Monday

  • cindi
    Posted at 20:30h, 26 April Reply

    Thanks for the reminder to slow down and smell the flowers.
    It goes along with my own
    Best Shot Monday

  • Lis
    Posted at 20:40h, 26 April Reply

    I’ve been savoring each moment of a Spring long over due!

  • Bev Baird
    Posted at 00:46h, 27 April Reply

    I love your photo – a sure sign of spring.
    here is my first entry for BSM!

  • Bev Baird
    Posted at 00:46h, 27 April Reply

    I love your photo – a sure sign of spring.
    here is my first entry for BSM!

  • Mindy
    Posted at 01:32h, 27 April Reply

    i love this shot! it’s so simple and perfect… as only nature can pull off.

    i just want to say that i am having the best time at picture spring. you are amazing and the prompts that you have come up with are so creative and thought provoking. i’ve truly enjoyed this month and am really going to miss my morning emails! thanks so much!!! i feel like i’ve truly grown as a photographer this month 😉

  • Mindy
    Posted at 01:32h, 27 April Reply

    i love this shot! it’s so simple and perfect… as only nature can pull off.

    i just want to say that i am having the best time at picture spring. you are amazing and the prompts that you have come up with are so creative and thought provoking. i’ve truly enjoyed this month and am really going to miss my morning emails! thanks so much!!! i feel like i’ve truly grown as a photographer this month 😉

  • Cara
    Posted at 02:05h, 27 April Reply

    First off let me tell how beautiful this photo is andh ow much I love ladybugs ( they remind me of a wonderful friend that is no longer with us). Second, I love the questions, I looked to my "4 in July year old" for the answers.

  • Cara
    Posted at 02:05h, 27 April Reply

    First off let me tell how beautiful this photo is andh ow much I love ladybugs ( they remind me of a wonderful friend that is no longer with us). Second, I love the questions, I looked to my "4 in July year old" for the answers.

  • Leanne
    Posted at 03:11h, 27 April Reply

    Love the post! You are inspiring beyond words. I found comfort and peace in an Emergency Room (of all places) this weekend, and wrote about it on my blog today.

    Thanks for the wonderful words in this post and helping me remember my blessings!

  • Leanne
    Posted at 03:11h, 27 April Reply

    Love the post! You are inspiring beyond words. I found comfort and peace in an Emergency Room (of all places) this weekend, and wrote about it on my blog today.

    Thanks for the wonderful words in this post and helping me remember my blessings!

  • chris
    Posted at 03:30h, 27 April Reply

    I’m having a horrible time watching my grandmother wither away and getting closer to dying each day. I was so overwhelmed by it all this weekend that I told my husband to call his brother and tell him to get his kids and we were all going to dinner together. I needed the family together and to be in the company of my hubby and kids and my bro-in-law and my nieces. No one can make me smile and laugh more then the kids and they did exactly that. It was my way of being kind to myself by allowing myself to enjoy those that matter to me the most. Today, I’m still reaping the rewards of that one dinner with family. 😉

  • chris
    Posted at 03:30h, 27 April Reply

    I’m having a horrible time watching my grandmother wither away and getting closer to dying each day. I was so overwhelmed by it all this weekend that I told my husband to call his brother and tell him to get his kids and we were all going to dinner together. I needed the family together and to be in the company of my hubby and kids and my bro-in-law and my nieces. No one can make me smile and laugh more then the kids and they did exactly that. It was my way of being kind to myself by allowing myself to enjoy those that matter to me the most. Today, I’m still reaping the rewards of that one dinner with family. 😉

  • Blue Moon Mama
    Posted at 15:59h, 28 April Reply

    Gorgeous Photo! I just love the colors especially.

    I’m finding it hard to just take it day by day because as a new Mom I feel pulled in so many different directions. Here"s my post for best shot Monday.

  • Blue Moon Mama
    Posted at 15:59h, 28 April Reply

    Gorgeous Photo! I just love the colors especially.

    I’m finding it hard to just take it day by day because as a new Mom I feel pulled in so many different directions. Here"s my post for best shot Monday.

  • underthebigbluesky
    Posted at 17:42h, 28 April Reply

    after reading this and you last posts i just have to say.

    daughters…..sigh….what would we do without them.

  • underthebigbluesky
    Posted at 17:42h, 28 April Reply

    after reading this and you last posts i just have to say.

    daughters…..sigh….what would we do without them.

  • Nicole
    Posted at 05:15h, 02 May Reply

    there is something to be said for taking things one step at a time…

  • Nicole
    Posted at 05:15h, 02 May Reply

    there is something to be said for taking things one step at a time…

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