Raising a Glass (or a plastic tea cup)

Raising a Glass (or a plastic tea cup)

Well, I managed to let the very last Monday of 2008 pass me by without posting My Best Shot. Heavy Sigh.

My husband and I took a few days off without kids or computers (very late notice) and Monday came and went while I was gone. It wasn’t until the long drive home that it dawned on me. I totally missed it. I apologize! But, alas, I will not let the end of this year pass without taking notice. And so, I am considering this a kind My Best Shot as we give a farewell toast the year that is almost behind us and a welcome toast to 2009.

It’s a big deal to wrap up the year. And it feels particularly good to have a fresh start come Thursday. I want to honor both the coming and the going. Please feel free to join me.

If you’ve got a shot you’d like to share (something you had ready for Monday or something new) please leave your links.

Farewell to all that 2008 was and Cheers to all that 2009 will be.

  • Phyllis Sommer
    Posted at 02:14h, 31 December Reply

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  • Joanna
    Posted at 03:21h, 31 December Reply

    Ella has that same tea set! So nice that you could get away. I wondered what was going on here. :o)

    Here’s to an amazing 2009!

    Oh, and my http://worth-it-all.blogspot.com/2008/12/best-shot-monday_28.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Best Shot

  • Bet Rank
    Posted at 04:13h, 31 December Reply

    Happy New Year and best wishes to you and your family. Thank you for all that you’ve shared here and over at Shutter Sisters.

  • Maddy
    Posted at 05:26h, 31 December Reply

    Good grief! I was beginning to wonder if you’d ever update. So glad to hear you found that moment.
    Best wishes for 2009

  • Chris
    Posted at 10:07h, 31 December Reply

    Happy New Year to you and your family! http://jeroldssis.wordpress.com/2008/12/29/the-chairs/“ REL=”nofollow”>My best shot Mondayis here.

  • Andrea
    Posted at 15:49h, 31 December Reply

    Ah, sometimes you need a bit of a respite from the usual. You’re only human. 😉

    Here’s to a New Year!

    And some http://om-mami.blogspot.com/2008/12/more-photo-fun.html“ REL=”nofollow”>images I’d like to share

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 18:07h, 31 December Reply

    I was wondering where you were! Hope you had a lovely, unplugged time with the family. I’ve got to get around to doing that one of these days!

    http://cheeseparty.blogspot.com/2008/12/and-so-it-begins.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Here is what I posted on Monday.

    Happy New Year!

  • Mandy aka Mandaroo
    Posted at 18:08h, 31 December Reply

    Sweet lovely shots. A nice way to toast in the new year with a cuppa tea! : )

    Happy New Year Tracey and family!

    Looking forward to more fun times and hopefully some blogger get togethers! Even though I’m down in SD, I’d love to come up to visit.
    Perhaps we can do some photo trekking together? : )

  • Dawn
    Posted at 19:01h, 31 December Reply

    Good for you! I figured as much when I checked in Mon AM and in the PM. We all need some time to just be…

    With my daughter being 12 now…I miss those tea sets. Remembering how we used to play with her Disney Princess one everyday.

    Cheers from our family!
    Happy New Year! 🙂

  • ELK
    Posted at 23:59h, 31 December Reply

    tracey ~ wishes for a amazing year ahead across the miles

    for all you do at Shutter Sister …I applaud you!

  • Gypsy Alex
    Posted at 01:32h, 01 January Reply

    Happy New Year, Tracey!!! Meeting you in 2008 was one of the highlights of my year! The way you cracked me open (and cracked me up too ;)… I'll never forget! On to a fabulous 2009!!! Wishing you all the very best in 2009. Magic & Love,

  • Megan
    Posted at 16:30h, 01 January Reply

    glad you got away — what a treat! happiest of new years… 🙂

  • daniela
    Posted at 01:42h, 02 January Reply

    the perfect end of year photo!

    many blessings to you and your family tracey. much gratitude for all that you put out there for us.

  • Wanda
    Posted at 03:20h, 02 January Reply

    Thanks for all your sharing and the opportunity to share my own. I wish you the best in 2009.

    Here’s http://whatwouldwandado.blogspot.com/2008/12/favorite-photos-of-2008.html“ REL=”nofollow”>mine.

  • Sarah
    Posted at 19:13h, 07 January Reply

    Happy New Years. Just found your blog.
    Vintage Lily

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