Rockin' My Best Shot

Rockin' My Best Shot

I remember the Christmas morning when my youngest daughter got her guitar. She’s been a rocker ever since she came screaming, er singing, from the womb. I guess Santa figured the least he could do was to get her a guitar at a young age to foster her love of the rock star lifestyle; loud, wild and free.

But, as I have mentioned so many times before, she’s a girl who plays by her own rules. You cannot pin one persona on her, no way. She’s a renegade ballerina. A singing soccer star. A fierce and fiery, tender and true spirit. A wild and wonderful one-of-kind kid who lives life cranked to 11.

Now, neither one of my girls knew much about Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus when I got the job to shoot a handful of VIP parties and ‘meet and greets’ on the Best of Both Worlds Tour. I know, I know. It seems like an impossibility, but, it’s true. But for me, after 5 concerts where I shot photos like the one seen on this cool site and some of the shots featured in this concert memory book book, I got to see a little bit about the life of a young rock star and almost all the lyrics to every song…

Fast forward to now where my girls are both really embracing thier inner rock stars. Especially the young one. Surprise surprise. Note the Miley/Hannah concert tour t-shirt.

How could I not share weekend shot as my Best Shot today? It’s priceless.

Have you got some rockin’ shots to share today?


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