20 Dec So Many Things
I have been meaning to post this week about so many things…
Last minute gift ideas (in the video game genre), places to visit to help get you into the holiday spirit, DIY gifts to make for the grandparents, the list goes on and on.
But, I have a stack of holiday cards with no addresses on them and I am pretty sure they aren’t going to address themselves, darn it. You’d think with technology these days, there’d be a way. I digress.
My intention for these next few days is remain grounded, centered and mindful not allowing the chaos of the world around me to distract me from enjoying this time of year. Are you keeping your head and heart in a sacred, nurturing place these days? I’d love to hear how you’re keeping yourself sane amidst it all.
Posted at 17:17h, 20 DecemberJust set it to mind that we are doing it simple this year. I picked a few activities, ordered just the minimum amount of cards I needed, and we are staying home. Loving it.
Posted at 17:17h, 20 DecemberJust set it to mind that we are doing it simple this year. I picked a few activities, ordered just the minimum amount of cards I needed, and we are staying home. Loving it.
Posted at 18:33h, 20 DecemberSaying NO thank you quite a bit…it hasn’t been easy but it is soooo worth it~
You can do it too!!
Have a wondeful weekend 🙂
Posted at 18:33h, 20 DecemberSaying NO thank you quite a bit…it hasn’t been easy but it is soooo worth it~
You can do it too!!
Have a wondeful weekend 🙂
Posted at 20:36h, 20 DecemberI’m not really saying no because nothing’s really being asked of me, which is quite nice. My hubby and I got a sitter for the boys, we’re going to dinner and doing some last minute xmas shopping at our speed: slow. LOL.
Posted at 20:36h, 20 DecemberI’m not really saying no because nothing’s really being asked of me, which is quite nice. My hubby and I got a sitter for the boys, we’re going to dinner and doing some last minute xmas shopping at our speed: slow. LOL.
Posted at 20:43h, 20 Decembermy daughter just arrived home from college ~ we have been laughing…i peek in on her in the morning lying in her childhood bed and the years melt away…I am overjoyed to have my family intact.
Posted at 22:46h, 20 DecemberJust glad to be home from the hospital and realizing how none of it matters unless everyone is feeling good-hope all is well in your home-especially Iris. Best of intentions to get adopt a pet I know the right pet will dome along and melt your hearts……..big love,
Bet Rank
Posted at 01:00h, 21 DecemberThe family established “Dial It Down Diner Night” this year. We’re meeting up every few days at our local diner for coffee, hot cocoa and desserts just to enjoy some time away from the homes. We figured if we were at home we’d all worry about things to wrap, or things to buy, things to clean etc. Fortunately we have a wonderful family run diner that’s less than a mile from all of us in any direction. It’s a good way for us all to just ground ourselves.
The hot cocoa isn’t bad either.
Posted at 01:23h, 22 DecemberI have been taking Sundays completely off and filling them with yoga, meditation, walks in the cold and snow, and baking. It has been blissful. 🙂
If your address book is on your computer, and you have a printer and sheets of address labels, I think there is a way to print out your address book with minimal effort. Since I have no printer, sadly, I can offer no more help than that ..