the magic of togetherness

the magic of togetherness

I’m bursting with excitement over here. Right now, more than ever I am leaning on and living in the magic of togetherness. From what I can tell from here, 2011 is taking shape as the year of community on so many levels. From communal online spaces to gatherings and workshops (note: these are all hints of what’s to come) there things in the works that have got me beaming!

Fortunately, as I’ve been plugging away over here on all the projects of togetherness that are brewing, I have not been alone. And, it not only feels so right, it feels really good! I have officially called in the troops like never before and I cannot tell you how much I feel the true power of what can happen with a supportive team in place. From friends (new and old) to colleagues to colleagues that have become friends, to sisters (of every kind), and of course my family, there is a strong energetic push carrying me along. I’m feeling grateful and blessed to have everyone behind me, cheering me on, lending a hand, being present, and giving of time, expertise, support and love.

The other day I had the opportunity to find ‘a moment’s peace’ right smack dab in the middle of all of the planning and hard work I’ve been doing. I joined the remarkable Elizabeth Irvine (author of the new book A Moment’s Peace) for a day of calm and goodness at the breathtaking Cal-a-Vie spa. I have so many things to say about that experience, it deserves it’s own post, but for now, I have to say it was definitely yet another reminder of the beauty of togetherness (as the photo above can attest). It was a true gift that came at just the right time.

 When the chance to pause in between movement comes, it’s part of a rhythm (so says the definition of rhythm) which makes it particularly special and meaningful.

Tell me, what kinds of magic are you feeling these days?


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