02 Nov when dreams take wing
I was never really a big fan of Halloween until I had kids. That’s kind of how it goes when you have kids. Everything changes and you find yourself with a whole new perspective; seeing the world and all it wonders though new eyes. Now, the dressing up, gathering treats and staying out late is fun for me.
What never gets old is the pretending. To watch my girls transform themselves into whatever or whoever they want to be for the evening is magic made tangible. I hope they never tire of playful reinvention; of wings and pixie dust.
Please share what transpired on your Halloween! I can’t wait to see!
Posted at 05:21h, 02 Novemberwhat a gorgeous little fairy!!!
i knew today would be all halloween pics:-) so here’s mine: http://imabima.blogspot.com/2009/11/cute-and-sugared-up.html
Happy Monday!
Posted at 07:26h, 02 NovemberLove this picture! So glad you had a nice Halloween. Unfortunately, I’m still not that into it and being as sick as I was last week didn’t help this year. I even forgot to pull out the Halloween decorations until Saturday. At least we carved the pumpkins this year. I was hoping to make it to one of your small business events, but I’m still on the mend and behind. Bummer.
Anyway, here is our Halloween. It was perfect for a four-year-old and that’s really all that counts, isn’t it?
take care – happy Monday!
Posted at 09:27h, 02 NovemberHalloween is so fun seen through the eyes of my kids too! This year we did something a little different and the kids loved it!
I’m happy it’s November and I’m looking for a bit of Peace
Have a wonderful week and that shot of your daughter is gorgeous! I love that my big girl isn’t too "old" to dress up, glad to see your’s isn’t as well!
Posted at 11:25h, 02 NovemberHere is my Halloween mosaic. What a fun night.
My favorite costumes.
Posted at 12:48h, 02 NovemberA very magical fairy for sure.
It’s all treats for us. My Best Shots
Amber (life the way i see it)
Posted at 13:21h, 02 NovemberTrying to recover from the time change. Great shot Tracey.
Posted at 14:12h, 02 Novembermine’s not quite as pretty, but it is definitely "halloween-y"
Posted at 15:23h, 02 NovemberThat is beautiful!
Posted at 15:30h, 02 NovemberMy Best Shot.
Posted at 17:00h, 02 NovemberBEAUTIFUL Shot Tracey!! Perfect with the sun flare.
Here’s my BSM
Posted at 17:12h, 02 NovemberDoes it count if it’s a picture of me instead my children? This year I enjoyed Halloween for the first time in years, and enjoyed pretending even as an adult. "What never gets old is the pretending. To watch my girls transform themselves into whatever or whoever they want to be for the evening is magic made tangible. I hope they never tire of playful reinvention; of wings and pixie dust."
I hope I never tire of it either!
🙂 http://bostongirlontheverge.blogspot.com/2009/11/i-promised-you-peek.html
Posted at 18:29h, 02 NovemberI love how having kids changes everything – for the better!
Since we’re talking Halloween, I’ll have to share a picture from Saturday.
Just Say Arrggh
Posted at 20:18h, 02 NovemberI love the light in this Tracey. Such beautiful wings. Pretend is the purest part of childhood.
Halloween was all about super hero escapades for my boy and his cousin.
Photo here….
Posted at 20:20h, 02 NovemberBeautiful & magical! I could barely get the kids to stand still, but I did manage to get some shots.
Posted at 21:12h, 02 NovemberIt was a magical night … something I wouldn’t have missed for the world!
My best shots were a tad blurry because, well, just so much excitement and no time to linger for photos! I am loving everyone’s shots!
Posted at 22:01h, 02 NovemberI am in complete agreement about enjoying Hallowe’en more since I had kids. We had our party early (because mummy and daddy had scored themselves a night out for a meal and comedy with proper grown up friends!) and it was a blast, if rather tiring for the one parent who was home that night!
Posted at 22:34h, 02 NovemberHappy Halloween, for sure! It is a real kick to see the holiday through my kids eyes :). Love the fairy flare you’ve got going on here!
Posted at 01:56h, 04 Novemberwow! love the sun in this pic!
Posted at 03:36h, 06 NovemberBeautiful picture! Here’s a shot of my friends that I took on Halloween: