09 Oct You've Got Male
I consider this move a personal blogging milestone. I have added a dad blogger to my blogroll. I just thought I’d point that out. Yep. So, all hail John, the first father at Mother May I. Although, he might not appreciate being called a ‘dad blogger’. I don’t know. I’m not up with the titles or politics of the father blogging world (I’ve only really paid attention to the mommy stuff) but I am happy to introduce you to his online offerings. Probably best know for his Flickr Toys, he also writes a personal blog (anybody who rocks it to old Journey songs is cool in my book!) AND a photo blog as well. I am loving the photo blog. He puts “weekend assignments” out there and I will tell you what, I was totally consumed by the “ordinary things” challenge. I had my camera with me all weekend long and had a blast capturing everyday objects in different ways. I know you’ll enjoy his stuff. So, go on ahead and see for yourself. I promise, he doesn’t have cooties.
Posted at 07:30h, 10 OctoberThanks for the link Tracey! I’m always looking for new male bloggers (no, not in THAT way.)
And I’m definitely going to try the ‘ordinary things’ assignment. I’m also going to use it as an excellent excuse to go out and buy a new camera (any suggestions?)
la vie en rose
Posted at 21:38h, 10 Octoberyeah john! i’m impressed!