Beautiful Words

Besides going on and on about myself, my most favorite thing about blogging is the continual discovery of awe-inspiring women. As I travel my path along the Super Highway (yes, I do believe, dare I say it, there can be magic and mystery found on the Internet), I am inspired, challenged, tickled, and awakened by people I’ve never met and somehow through shared experiences and the desire to express oneself and be heard, I feel overwhelmingly and gratefully connected to them.

I can think of nothing better than to stumble across words, photographs, feelings that perfectly articulate something that’s lived in my heart and maybe even wanted to convey but have lacked either the clarity or energy to do so. Yesterday amidst my clicking, I read a few gorgeous posts from a woman, a mother, a beautiful soul that offers the most heartbreakingly beautiful thoughts and images on her blog La Vie En Rose.

When I got to the post called Ache I swear, I felt as if my soul had been painstakingly yet tenderly exposed. The post, both an answer to the Mama Says Om theme from last week, and a letter to her child, said things I only wish I could say to my daughters. It’s a must read for all Moms. I’m thinking I might ask her if I can print up two copies and then sign my name to each of them and slip them into my kids baby books. Just kidding. Well, maybe only a little kidding.

Check out Michelle’s sweet life and be inspired.

And for a sweet pic of me and the girls, clicky right here.

  • Mom101
    Posted at 18:01h, 25 May Reply

    thanks for that link to “ache.” You’re right: beautiful.

  • jenny
    Posted at 21:47h, 25 May Reply

    The link was wonderful and the picture was fabulous. Thank you.

  • PeetsMom
    Posted at 22:44h, 25 May Reply

    I’m so happy you keep linking me up to great sites! I just haven’t been able to read as much as I’d like! And I LOVE the linky to PICTURE THIS! I have been reading you everyday but have not said a word…try not to punish me!

  • la vie en rose
    Posted at 14:10h, 26 May Reply

    thank you, thank you, thank you for your generous words! i’m speachless…and a little teary…

    you and your girlies are adorable!

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