A Perfect Post

It’s that time again. This month I was so taken by a post at Left Handed Trees and Other Lies that I chose it for the June’s Perfect Post Award at Suburban Turmoil.

The photograph that accompanied the post could have alone won it for me. But there’s much more to it that that. I wrote a little something about it over at my ClubMom blog Picture This.

So go read C. Delia’s heartbreakingly beautiful words at Left Handed Trees and then click over to Picture This to read about why it touched me so.

Thanks for participating in the gush-fest.

1 Comment
  • Left-handed Trees...
    Posted at 21:56h, 30 June Reply

    THANK YOU for the nomination for Perfect Post for June. I wrote about my gratitude for your kindness on my site. You made my day!

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