BlogHer Recap?

Who needs words when you have an image like this?

After a weekend spent surrounded by women like a Superhero (left) and Marathon Mom (right) I’m not sure words could possibly do it justice. Besides how can I formulate any thoughts when my head is still spinning? And even if it weren’t, my brain went to mush right about the time we started taking shots for Rachel’s 30th birthday (That’s the birthday girl on the right. Bottoms up)!

Oh boy. Do I need to say I had the time of my life?? It was indeed a weekend I’ll never forget. More details and pictures to come, I promise, so stay tuned.

Incriminating photo taken by the lovely Mommy Needs a Cocktail. What could be more perfect? Oh, and the one of Charlie’s Angels? That was by Grace’s husband. Thanks guys.

  • Mother
    Posted at 04:12h, 01 August Reply

    How fucking awesome are you?

    Seriously. You rock.

  • Kristen
    Posted at 04:59h, 01 August Reply

    Look at you with the dribble running down your chin. You girls couldn’t even do a shot!!! Next year I’ll give you a lesson for Rachel’s 31st birthday.

  • mfaizalzul
    Posted at 05:23h, 01 August Reply

    hope you happy!!

  • Mega Mom
    Posted at 12:07h, 01 August Reply

    You are too cool Miss Tracey. I can’t wait to fill in my beautiful new baby book and I’m SO jealous of the Charlie’s angels pic!

  • Her Bad Mother
    Posted at 13:54h, 01 August Reply

    I *knew* you were a superhero. Or an Angel. I just couldn’t figure out which.

  • jennster
    Posted at 16:25h, 01 August Reply

    you are gorgeous and funny and fun and it was TRULY a pleasure to meet and play with you!!!! 🙂

  • leahpeah
    Posted at 22:10h, 01 August Reply

    next time: more drinking and talking by the pool together. you are amazing and i want to get to know you better. wow, i could totally use that for a pickup line…..

  • Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah
    Posted at 01:43h, 02 August Reply

    Those are great pictures!

    How did I miss you?

  • Nancy
    Posted at 13:06h, 02 August Reply

    That is an awesome image. I really enjoyed meeting you last weekend!

  • Claddyjack
    Posted at 15:14h, 02 August Reply

    Looks like a blast. I have a similar picture of you Trace at one of my birthdays in L.A. where you’re laughing and trying to keep the alcohol *inside* your mouth. That’s Tracey’s drinking face!

  • la vie en rose
    Posted at 16:22h, 02 August Reply

    heehee…you girls are so silly. it sounds like so much fun! i’m a bit jealous that i wasn’t there to enjoy it.

  • one smarmy mama
    Posted at 22:23h, 02 August Reply

    here is your e-love for the day……

    Tracey, you are such an amazingly sweet lady! I need to take “nice” lessons from you. 🙂

  • HeatherJ
    Posted at 03:31h, 03 August Reply

    I must go next year. Too much seems to have been had by all.

  • Jessica New
    Posted at 22:38h, 03 August Reply

    I’m glad you had such an amazing time…. That trip was meant to be for you…. What a blessing… I’m SO going next year!! I hope it’s in Hawaii or something… LOL!
    Fun Shot: “BLOGIE’S ANGELS”

  • GraceD
    Posted at 23:37h, 03 August Reply

    Now, don’t you forget: “I’m Kate Jackson. The smart one.”

    Thanks for standing at the back of the sauna that was the Mommyblogger panel, Tracey. Your encouraged me to be badass. For this alone I think I’ll hire you to be my Life Coach. Better yet, I’ll take you on as a trained assassin, ready to kill at will on behalf of mommybloggers everywhere. I mean, look at that pic! You’re one deadly mama.

    It was an honor and pleasure to make your fine acquaintance, Tracey. You are beautiful and smart and I envy your height.


  • mothergoosemouse
    Posted at 02:50h, 05 August Reply

    Love the Angels shot. Perfect.

    And I remember the shots. That’s because I didn’t do any.

    (Happy birthday – again – to Rachel!)

  • nina
    Posted at 23:56h, 05 August Reply

    I love that foto! I think it is my favorite of the whole conference. You guys rock! Was great meeting you. But we didn’t talk nearly enough.

  • andrea
    Posted at 16:27h, 07 August Reply

    Oh my god!!!

    I love that photo girl!

    can we catch up soon?

  • ricardo
    Posted at 13:03h, 12 August Reply

    these pictures are very funny
    I love

    you’re seem so happy together

    félicitation et bonne continuation

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