a dream is a dream

a dream is a dream

I’ll never forget the first time I came across a copy of Artful Blogging in the magazine stand of Barnes & Noble. I remember gasping out loud.

What is this? This is so beautiful! A magazine about blogs? Where did this come from?

As I thumbed through the rich pages, alive with color, texture and inspiration, I also remember thinking these blogs and the women behind them are really something! I dreamed that maybe one day I would create something worthy of the pages of Artful Blogging.

Fast forward to the last few glorious issues. In Autumn, it was a feature on Shutter Sisters. Then, this issue, a feature on me and Mother May I. Pinch me.

So often in our lives we hold high aspirations to work toward. We muse and dream about possibilites. And just as often we rise to meet our goals and dreams only to look to the next one. But, a dream is a dream and when one comes true it’s only right to honor it. To share it. To celebrate our accomplishments before we look to what’s next.

So, let’s do it! Let’s celebrate your best shot today.

  • Irene
    Posted at 10:03h, 19 October Reply

    congratulations Tracey!!! can’t wait to see it.

  • Puna
    Posted at 12:00h, 19 October Reply

    I will have to get a copy!

    My best shot today.

  • Meg
    Posted at 12:03h, 19 October Reply

    Oh Tracey, how wonderful! I"m so happy for you! To be honest, I’d never heard of artful blogging until you mentioned it. I think I may have to get it… and maybe even step my blog up a notch 😛

    My shot will be up on the blog in a bit 🙂

  • Julia
    Posted at 12:16h, 19 October Reply

    Well, now that is a dream! How exciting. That is such an inspirational magazine, it has opened my eyes up to so many fantastic Blogs.

    I have the issue with Shutter Sisters, I can’t wait to get my hands on the newest issue.


    Truly, Julia

  • Donna
    Posted at 13:04h, 19 October Reply

    I need to get a copy of the Artful Blogging magazine. I have never heard of the magazine. I could use a little blogging assistance. My Best Shot is all about the weather!

    Have an artfully blogbeautiful week!

  • Lee-Ann
    Posted at 13:15h, 19 October Reply

    wow – didn’t even know this mag exhisted!! Now i have to keep my eyes peeled. Congradulations to YOU!! You must be so pleased…now what’s next on you list 😉

  • Melissa G
    Posted at 13:23h, 19 October Reply

    Congratulations, Tracey! What a lovely dream to acheive. I’ll definitely check out this issue.

    My Best Shot come from my daughter’s birthday party.

  • NTE
    Posted at 13:37h, 19 October Reply

    Tracey ~ That is amazing: I’m so excited for you! I haven’t read the magazine before, but I will definitely be on the lookout for it now. Congratulations!

    MBSM is up.

  • megan
    Posted at 13:48h, 19 October Reply

    wow! so exciting — congrats on making another dream come true :).

    brotherly love…or not

  • Joanna
    Posted at 14:16h, 19 October Reply

    How exciting for you! You are so inspiring because you make your dreams come true. Congratulations!

    Heres my BSM.

  • lifeineden
    Posted at 14:19h, 19 October Reply

    Wow Tracey that is so exciting and wonderful! Congratulations!

    I got a new lens this week, but could only try it out briefly. But here’s my BSM.

  • Wanda
    Posted at 14:46h, 19 October Reply

    Oh, no…a dream is reality.

  • IE Mommy
    Posted at 15:03h, 19 October Reply

    Congratulations. Awesome!

  • Mandy
    Posted at 15:52h, 19 October Reply

    That is wonderful Tracey!!! I too, will have to go out and look for this issue! Congratulations!

  • vicki (simply hue)
    Posted at 16:35h, 19 October Reply

    Congratulatins, Tracie! That really would be a dream come true. 🙂

  • shirley
    Posted at 17:40h, 19 October Reply

    Congratulations! What a wonderful honor and dream fulfilled.

    We had lovely Fall weather yesterday, so I have two pictures today.
    Lovely Fall

  • Neil
    Posted at 17:41h, 19 October Reply


  • MelodyA.
    Posted at 18:39h, 19 October Reply

    You do not need a pinch, you are awesome at what you do. It’s only fitting to see you out there, everywhere.

    My Best Shot

  • claddyjack
    Posted at 18:57h, 19 October Reply

    Trace, so exciting! Congratulations!

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 19:16h, 19 October Reply

    Congratulations! How exciting for you! I’ll have to check it out.

    Here is my contribution!

  • killlashandra
    Posted at 20:08h, 19 October Reply

    I have to admit, the best shot is a little brotherly love.

    Congratulations on being featured! 🙂

  • vicki (simply hue)
    Posted at 20:09h, 19 October Reply

    Oh, that’s right…it’s Best Shot Monday. 🙂 Here’s the link for my Monday shot! http://matissecolor.blogspot.com/2009/10/monday-morning-inspiration_19.html

  • vicki (simply hue)
    Posted at 20:12h, 19 October Reply

    Hmmm…..just curious how the rest of you put a link to your best shot. I am so not techinically inclined. lol.

  • Photographing Mom
    Posted at 23:28h, 19 October Reply

    Congratulations, Tracy!!

    My BSM is at my blog.

  • HappyHourMom
    Posted at 00:58h, 20 October Reply


  • Beryl
    Posted at 01:40h, 20 October Reply

    Congrats Tracey! What a great feeling, having your dreams come true.

    My BSM
    My Dream

  • charlotte
    Posted at 21:04h, 20 October Reply

    Tracey, Dreams do come true.especially beautiful ones. Enjoy. charlotte

  • mary
    Posted at 00:52h, 22 October Reply

    Congratulations!!! You totally deserve it — you are an inspiration to so many bloggers/photographers. I’m going to pick up a copy asa. 🙂

  • gypsysister
    Posted at 23:12h, 22 October Reply

    Congrats, Tracey! So well deserved. I can’t wait to pick up the issue and enjoy every bit of it. Love and hugs ~

  • thea
    Posted at 22:23h, 25 October Reply

    Tracey, how awesome! I love how you said that we aspire to reach our goals. I wasn’t one for making goals "out loud." But, since I started reading blogs and writing one of my own ( and for our friends as TCM)…I am dreaming …aspiring to write more articles, and I would love to really stretch my writing. You have inspired me to Go. For. It.

  • Erin Leigh
    Posted at 08:22h, 26 October Reply

    Congratulations! I love this magazine. I can’twait to read about you!

  • Cara
    Posted at 13:50h, 26 October Reply

    That is so awesome. I can’t wait to get the magazine. I did not even know about it, but I am running to Borders at lunch today.

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