a year to create

a year to create

What sweet synchronicity that a year ago I shot this image when I was attempting the 365 project (something I never did complete). And yet, here we are a year later capturing pictures to translate our One Word at Shutter Sisters for January. Create. This shot says it all, quite literally.

Here’s to creating everyday every day…one intention, one decision, one step, one photo at a time.

  • Cara
    Posted at 00:17h, 03 January Reply

    I am going to also try to complete a 365 this year. I am hoping to create some great images and a better understanding of photography all together.
    I love this shot, like you said, it say it all.

  • whollyjeanne
    Posted at 01:18h, 03 January Reply

    my son gave me one of these books about 10 years ago with instructions to use it only for creating – not chronological capturings of the day’s events, not to do lists, not errands that needed to be run – just creative ideas and endeavors. i just joined shuttersisters today – yay! i think it dovetails nicely with gwen bell’s 2010 project of daily mindfulness prompts . . . both will help me live the way i’ve long fantasized about. look forward to seeing more of you this year.

  • Roxanne
    Posted at 03:00h, 03 January Reply

    My project 365 became project 111. Oh well … here’s to creating every day in 2010.

  • Marcie
    Posted at 20:58h, 03 January Reply

    What a perfect image by which to set your intention. Best wishes for a happy and healthy and oh-so-very creative new year!!!

  • Tre ~
    Posted at 23:15h, 03 January Reply

    Love this intention and the image…for me what helps is to think about where creating begins..in thought..so I value that you’re acknowledging this too with "intention"…and then I think about the follow through of intention…sometimes that is doable in a day…sometimes several..sometimes it takes us into the next year…but when i wake up with the same intention, that’s my rudder…and i get better at hiding or running from it;) Thanks for your nudges. I can’t wait to check out the project…..Happy New Year hugs…

  • Sarah
    Posted at 16:40h, 06 January Reply

    I am attempting 365 through SS group this year.. I love the monthly words they really to help keep my creativity flowing. Beautiful shot

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