All of the Sudden

All of the Sudden

Low and behold, there may be a slow down approaching. I have mixed feelings about those, especially when I am not seemingly at the helm but alas, I will consider this one a gift and be a gracious receiver.

I vow to take a few days to unwind, decompress, breathe and of course, reflect.

There is still much to do, don’t get me wrong…the writing of a book for one, and some teaching to name another. And then there’s the collecting and catching up on all that has fallen through the massive cracks that have widened in the past 6 weeks.

From all that it doesn’t feel like things will be that slow but in comparison to the neck breaking pace I was going at, my to-do list as it is right now feels wonderful!

Care to join me at one of the Hands On Small Business classes I am teaching in So Cal? I hope to see some familiar faces!

  • RedorGrayArt
    Posted at 12:42h, 10 October Reply

    look at those eyes…telling you to enjoy the breather! wish it was around the corner, alas I will be with you in spirit.

  • golightly
    Posted at 05:25h, 12 October Reply

    I’m hoping to try to make it to one of the classes. I have to figure out when and if, but hopefully I’ll see there!

  • Trude
    Posted at 23:41h, 13 October Reply

    My girlfriend and I were planning on going to the one on Nov 8th – looking forward to it! 🙂

  • teacher
    Posted at 21:09h, 02 November Reply

    it’s "All of ***A*** Sudden"

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