Author: Tracey

Of course my Best Shot today is something that I captured of my daughter and I from our day of wandering. I'm going to print this one twice. Once for my office and once for my daughter's bulletin board of important things (you know those middle...

  "I believe a joyful life is made up of joyful moments gracefully strung together by trust, gratitude, and inspiration." -Brene Brown A little gratitude on a Friday is a really good thing. And of course there's the trust and inspiration part. Thanks Brene for jarring me out of...

  Even the slowest paced Spring Break still means a total upheaval of any kind of structured, predictable daily routine and I am a routine kinda gal so it can be challenging. Alas, it's Monday again (deep cleansing breath) and I am giddy to get back into the...

It's probably obvious that I am loving having a new subject to photograph these days. Never having a dog before, I didn't realize how many different 'looks' an animal can have. I swear this dog is part chameleon. Sometimes she looks like a puppy. Other...