Author: Tracey

  I have said good-bye to my old digs at blogger. I am eager to ease into this new space. Thank you as always for your support and encouragement. I am grateful that you are coming along in this new adventure with me. Here's to making this an...

I am holding myself accountable as February begins to stay focused on ease. Even when things are hectic, life rushing all around, I can still try to keep to my head and my heart in an easy place.It's a challenge but I'm up for it.And...

  Although my day to day life can feel far from easy I am claiming the word "ease" as my word for the new One Word Project at Shutter Sisters. In attempts to bring more ease into my life it's my word for 2009. And the...

My daughter (shot on left) and I (shot on right) were at it again. Shooting together for another duet. How about you? Did you make heads or tails of anything this week? Do share your Best Shot today no matter what end was up. ...

So far so good on my 365 Project. The tip that has saved me is shooting at least one shot in the morning. Clicking a few pix every morning is becoming part of my daily routine right there with my coffee and making breakfast for...