Author: Tracey

OK, so I might be skipping ahead (considering this is only supposed to be the gathering phase and I'm already in playing with my photos mode) but the idea of honoring our daily life is a cool exercise. Plus, I finally figured out how to...

This lovely work of art was created by the ever-charming super-talent Kelly Rae Roberts. Everything she touches is gold, I swear.And speaking of gold, I am beyond thrilled to announce that her new book Taking Flight is now available. If you do nothing else, you...

I remember the Christmas morning when my youngest daughter got her guitar. She's been a rocker ever since she came screaming, er singing, from the womb. I guess Santa figured the least he could do was to get her a guitar at a young age...

Wishing Happy Babies to Kristen and Rebecca, two rockin' mamas from Blogville that we know and love and that are ready to deliver bundles of joy sometime in the very near future. Blog buddies have been invited to participate in a remembering the baby years...

At BlogHer this summer there was a book signing for Sleep is for the Weak—an anthology of stories from the wildly popular mom bloggin’ crowd. And there, sitting at the table signing stacks of books were a group of women I have had the privilege...

This has been a tough week on the kids. Of course, I am in full celebration mode of having my time back-sorry, but mama needs her time-but for them, it's been an overload of new things; people, places, schedules, things to remember, homework to do,...