Author: Tracey

Hold onto HopeTrust the UniverseListen for AnswersWelcome TransformationBelieve in MiraclesEntertain AngelsDo you have Magic to share? Enlighten us.I am away for a few precious days, nurturing my soul, soaking in magic, soaring...

As I was waiting at the street corner for these friends to cross and meet me for brunch, this heart was laying on the sidewalk at my feet. Sweet serendipity.*sigh*There's nothing better than the love shared between our sister friends. ...

We had to say our good-byes yesterday to part of our family.18 years ago a curious kitten was born in a closet. A few months later I met her (and the compassionate man that assisted her mother giving birth to she and her liter mates...

Everything I needed to know I learned at BlogHer 1. Internet friends ARE real friends (despite what any non-blogger might say).2. Getting away for the weekend without the kids is good for the soul. 3. A big bathtub is worth the cost of a hotel...

How can I possibly choose one shot from such an incredible weekend. So much love, support, encouragement, empowerment; words could never express it. But a shot like this one does say a lot about it feels when you can bask in a big beautiful dose...

Well, we are back from our summer adventure. Whew. That means of course we are back home to the many luxuries we've missed (like a king size bed and a hot shower) but also those we didn't miss (like endless laundry, dirty dishes and the...