Author: Tracey

My daughter is 8 years old and in the fourth grade. What's that mean? It means she's growing up. And with that comes the trying on of new personas, new attitudes, new interests, and new styles. Style can come in many forms but with her...

I consider this move a personal blogging milestone. I have added a dad blogger to my blogroll. I just thought I'd point that out. Yep. So, all hail John, the first father at Mother May I. Although, he might not appreciate being called a 'dad...

My oldest - "Look! Sissy brought you a little gift from the birthday party. Here."My youngest - "Ooooh, thanks! What is it?"My oldest - "It's a clapper like this one. See?"My youngest - " Oh, wow. Now I have a really big crapper." ...

Since my recent Nintendo explosion (in which my gamer fame lasted about 15 seconds, as opposed to15 minutes, BTW) I have been thinking a lot about my take on blogging. I read a great post too by Mir at BlogHer about the advertising controversy that...

Hi I'm Tracey and I'm a Nintendo Ambassador. (Grumble grumble. Hi Tracey. Grumble) Huh? I know. Pretty random. For those of you who don't know, I'll make a long story short here and say, Nintendo hosted what they called a Family Wiiunion for the Clark...

The Two came to me in different forms of beauty. One in late afternoon light, calmly singing and cooing among the crowd that encouraged her coming. The other piercing the night's darkness like flash of fire that sparked and snapped, calling attention to her arrival. The Two uniquely offer their...

My husband asked me this weekend if I have enjoyed having a few hours to myself in the mornings now after both my kids go off to school. Well, yes, I have , I reeeeally have. But it isn't as easy as it sounds. The...

I enjoyed a lovely birthday this year, full of love, friendship and lots of well wishes. Of all of them, the sweetest by far is hearing my daughters sing to me.*Can you stand how friggin' high tech I am? ...