01 Nov Better Together
I love my alone time. Silent, still, sacred alone time. Much of my everyday photography reflects the time when I am grounded and grateful being alone. But, there is a vibrancy, an electricity, an aliveness that can only come from being connected. From being together. Perhaps it’s because I have experienced meaningful and satisfying connection that I can so enjoy being alone. Maybe it’s that charge I get from togetherness that sustains my time not being together with anyone. Or maybe it’s that even when I choose to be alone, I don’t feel alone. There is a vast difference between the two. If there wasn’t the ability to draw on past experience or that inner knowing that connection will come again, I wonder if I would try to fill my time alone with anything and everything that made me feel less of it. That said, I could conclude that it’s a perfect balance of both that brings me contentment and happiness but I don’t think that’s true. Instead, I think that it’s the togetherness that matters most. Because it’s the togetherness—when we’re together and when we’re alone—that can hold us, carry us, nurture us and sustain us. I do believe that we are indeed better together.
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