
A Lesson then a Listen Seven years ago she broke through the dark and silent night with her complex and multi-layered symphony. Highs, lows, intensity, tenderness, discord, harmony, all woven together in a unique concerto that has become the sound track of our lives. A gift like this seemed appropriate for someone who has blessed our lives with...

Taking it day by day trying to remember to breathe and taking cues from all of life's wonders that present themselves everyday. Finding comfort and peace in the little things and reminding myself to slow down again. It all gets done. It always does. This past weekend wes...

I've spent my time this weekend doing not much of anything except perhaps the most important thing of all; spending time with my oldest daughter. Just she and I. And it's been nothing short of magic. Still on a high from the evening, I was eager to...

13 years ago today I became a mother. I found out that a small sprout of a shamrock was growing inside my very own belly. This day has never been more important or more special since the day my luck changed for the better with the...

Wow! It was so much fun hearing the answers to the question posed yesterday. Thank you all so much for your comments.  Indeed, *she* is one beautiful mama. Let me first congratulate the winner Waiting for Baby, Lauren of Monkey Business. Congrats to you! But, what you've all...