24 Mar the power of words
Yesterday I shared a story over at The Creative Mama about a few of the little things that make all the difference. The gestures that remind us that we are appreciated can come out of the blue sometimes and from the most unexpected places. They may seem few and far between but thankfully, in parenting, those little getures are big enough to cling to as we walk the walk every day.
A simple thank you is welcomed, of course, but when a young sage soul can put into her own words that se can actually SEE the love in you, well, that’s enough. That makes anything and everything worthwhile.
The power of words in undeniable, it’s true. Words are what sparked the I am Enough Collaborative afterall. Katherine Center shares her own take on the power of words this week over there and it blows me away. I am totally inspired. I know you will be too.
Have any words moved you recently? I’ll tell you what, once you start hearing them as the melody that they can be, the music just keeps coming. A sweet sweet symphony.
Posted at 19:10h, 24 MarchWhat a lovely note! You are so generous with your words of encouragement to all of us, I am glad to see you getting some in return! And you can’t beat your kid telling you in their own words that they feel your love!
red or gray art . elk
Posted at 20:41h, 24 Marchoh i can see this is straight from a sweet heart…the best words!!
i just posted a tender few words before i popped over here "no voice I’d rather hear"
Posted at 01:19h, 25 MarchWhat an awesome note, that would melt my heart. It’s been a little rough here lately but I read some words about parenting that have stuck with me; "they won’t pass this way again". Those words really moved me.
Posted at 01:51h, 25 MarchLOVE! What a wonderfully wise little person!
Posted at 02:04h, 28 MarchMy six year old son– just as he’s laying his head on his pillow for a long night sleep, lets out a comfortable sigh and says "Ahhhh, Mom, you are my sun….." and just lays down to go to sleep…. My heart MELTED…. and I slept good that night….