
Do you have a little shutterbug living under your roof? If the answer is a resounding yes, like it is at my house, come get the scoop on A Little Perspective, the Kid's Photo Contest I'm hosting over at Picture This with the help...

Considering there isn't a day that passes that at least a few members of our family are not engaged in playing a very important game of "animals"of one type or the next, when the chance arose to check out the latest Caboodle! Collectible Toy (of...

I am not a mom who takes pride in how clean her home is, just so you know. Yes, I try to have it look nice and tidy, but really clean? Um, not really. Unless we're having company over and then, I'll clean it. So,...

My oldest daughter has always been an avid reader. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly she can devour the latest “chapter book” (that what kids call the books the graduate into after the early readers). And she’s big on books in a series....

I eagerly awaited my copy of The 24-Hour Pharmacist in anticipation for a reference book for all those crazy kid ailments that go bump in the night. See, when you have children, you just assume that everything ever written has a kid slant. I’m thinking,...

I've seen some fantastic photography lately. The fam and I got a chance to check out Illume before it left Huntington Beach. Wow. The incredible images themselves were only highlighted by the presentation of them glowing from these huge boxes on the beach. Really a...

In honor of the birthday girl (this is me playing on your emotions), it would be much appreciated if you all poped over to Modern Mom and voted for her photo --Just scroll down to the photo on the contest page and click on it--in...