13 Jan Mom 2.0 and stuff
I am delighted to announce that I am speaking at the Mom 2.0 Summit in Houston Feb. Yay. I am thrilled to be in such good company. I certainly hope to see many of you there as well. Check out the agenda. What's not to...
I am delighted to announce that I am speaking at the Mom 2.0 Summit in Houston Feb. Yay. I am thrilled to be in such good company. I certainly hope to see many of you there as well. Check out the agenda. What's not to...
Read all about it at Shutter Sisters. ...
I know we're already almost half way through January but I am still settling into this whole New Year thing. In past years, with the hustle of the holidays I think I have passed over the event of the New Year with little attention. But,...
I am…a slipper girldependant on my morning cup of coffeenothing without my girlfriendsnot formally traineda cat persona short hair girlpartial to Stella Artoishappily marriednever tana milk drinkera nappera criernot into fooda master parallel parkersecretly trying to do the 365 project this yeara virgoFrom what I...
I have been hearing about the amazing Kelly Corrigan for months now. My mom keeps telling me to get her book The Middle Place. Someone said she was featured in the Oprah mag. Her name has come up in many emails and conversations in the...
Superhero Andrea wrote post yesterday at Shutter Sisters challenging us to capture the weather in our images. I love the idea. Lucky for me, even here in Southern California, we've actually had some weather this winter.This morning I woke to the cloud covered sun lighting...
Well, I managed to let the very last Monday of 2008 pass me by without posting My Best Shot. Heavy Sigh.My husband and I took a few days off without kids or computers (very late notice) and Monday came and went while I was gone....
I am pleased to announce that I am now contributing over at LA Moms Blogs. I've got my first post up today. If you want to get the inside scoop on one of the Clark family's underlying stories of the season, be sure to click...
I hope you got all that you wished for this holiday! I know a few little girls that did. ...