Oh, The Possibilities

Oh, The Possibilities

I know we’re already almost half way through January but I am still settling into this whole New Year thing. In past years, with the hustle of the holidays I think I have passed over the event of the New Year with little attention. But, this go ’round has felt different. I have done a lot of musing about what it all means. It’s a clean slate (not that I consider mine dirty) that can offer new beginnings. Possibility. Potential. Growth. So much to look forward to.

I’m not into the idea of resolutions really. I think breaking them can feel icky so I’m more about intentions. With intentions, the best intentions are enough. At least that’s the way I can let myself off the hook if I don’t keep up with a project like, let’s say, 365. Yes, I have started a 365 project with no other rules except to shoot at least one photo every single day for 365 days (the entire year of 2009). Although I am not making myself post every photo of the series, I’m sure you’ll all be hearing a lot more about the project in future posts. So, why the confession? I thought it was only right to at least admit that I am intending to do it. If for nothing else, to document this year in a routine of photographs. It’s a small gesture that I know will push me creatively and encourage me to keep seeing things through fresh eyes. Every day. It may seem small but I think it’s a good thing.
Behold, images 1-9. They are all in my 365 Flickr set.

As far as My Best Shot this week, is the opening image of this post. It reminds me that even the tiniest gesture can feel important. I’m sure that among a million other creative projects I am participating in (big and small) and/or future projects I’m sure will reveal themselves this year, each one will be worthy of my attention and will be meaningful (if not to anyone else, to myself).
Here’s to all that the future holds for each of us. May we honor each day and make each of them meaningful in our own way.
What kinds of meaning are you discovering in your life these days? Do share with us your Best Shot this week. Whatever it means, I’m guessing it’s wonderful.

Anyone else attempting a 365 project this year? I’d love to know the company I am in.
Edited to add…as it turns out Stephanie Roberts shared the perfect ‘how-to’ 365 guide over at Shutter Sisters. I am delighted by this timing! Too cool. Thanks Stephanie.
  • Wanda
    Posted at 07:13h, 12 January Reply

    http://whatwouldwandado.blogspot.com/2009/01/got-little-bugger.html“ REL=”nofollow”>This is my favorite (if not technically the best) shot of the week.

    I, too, am doing a project 365. I don’t have it up on flickr or anywhere else except in my computer for the moment. Mine is a “self-portrait” a day…but not your typical head shot, necessarily. I am using it as a discipline and I am hoping that I get some fun shots and good practice.

    Also thinking about doing the Jump Start from Shutter Sisters…we’ll see.

    I might even take you up on your 16 things meme.

    We’ll see….

  • Dawn
    Posted at 07:30h, 12 January Reply

    “Here’s to all the future holds for us…May we honor each day and make each of them meaningful in our own way”. Love that~

    One of the few goals I have for this year is to live all that my life brings. Feel it, breathe it, be it, enjoy it and let what needs to be let go…

    I also will be stepping back from the blogging world (actually already have) and it feels good. Really good..but I love BSM!

    My best shot is two..I couldn’t choose 🙂

    http://thislifeisworthliving.blogspot.com/2009/01/best-shot-mondayjust-like-daddy_1419.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Just Like Daddy

    Have a wonderful week! 🙂

  • Chris
    Posted at 08:06h, 12 January Reply

    I’m doing my first project as well. I’m doing A Year of Mornings over at Flickr. For me, a daunting task, but I think I can do it. lol. I need to do something. I’ve got that ‘itch’ that needs to be ‘scratched’ and I think this will be the start. http://jeroldssis.wordpress.com/2009/01/12/a-beautiful-messand-best-shot-monday/“ REL=”nofollow”>This is my BSM. Have a great day!

  • Golightly
    Posted at 09:25h, 12 January Reply

    Wow! Fabulous 365 shots. You will have to keep me inspired. (you always do…)

    I’m looking forward to a productive and fulfilling year. I know we’ll have fun as proven today at Disneyland with http://piercebabyproject.blogspot.com/2009/01/best-little-jedi-in-training.html“ REL=”nofollow”>my favorite Jedi

  • Mariah
    Posted at 11:11h, 12 January Reply

    It was my husband’s birthday so the girls and I picked out our favorite photos of him for a card. It was so nice to reflect on and appreciate all that he means to us.
    http://www.playfulearning.com/Playful_Learning/Blog/Entries/2009/1/10_Entry_1.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Appreciation

  • natalie
    Posted at 12:06h, 12 January Reply

    I’m doing Project 365 this year, too.

    Here is http://thebensonfamilyandotherstuff.blogspot.com“ REL=”nofollow”>MBS

  • maz
    Posted at 12:15h, 12 January Reply

    I’ve also climbed up onto the 365 pedestal, hoping I don’t fall off, and hoping I won’t be too hard on myself if I do! I’m on day 12 now and already have got so much out of it. Doesn’t it make you really SEE things? With posts like yours and Stephanie’s I’m getting loads of inspo but more than that, it’s so nice to feel part of something bigger. My family and friends think I’m bonkers, but then they’d probably think that anyway! I’ll be keeping in touch to see how you go:) good luck…

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 12:27h, 12 January Reply

    What a lovely photo and a lovely idea! Coming here is such a bright spot in my day. Thank you.

    Also, I am a little jealous! Here in my part of the world this is the most blah part of the year. Seeing all of the flowers and colors in your photos is making the green eyed monster in me rear it’s ugly head!

    Anyway, http://cheeseparty.blogspot.com/2009/01/i-think-they-call-this-hedging-my-bets.html“ REL=”nofollow”>here is my BSM. And if you go all the way to the end you’ll see a link for a contest I’m holding. You can win a copy of PhotoShop Elements 6 if you comment today before noon EST. I’d love to give it to one of my BSM friends!

  • Blueberry
    Posted at 12:40h, 12 January Reply

    oh i love that first shot. they are all wonderful.

    my best shot can be found here:

  • Brittany
    Posted at 12:54h, 12 January Reply

    Wow! What a lot of beautiful work. I wish I had time to do it! I generally take photos everyday, but I know I missed days, last year.

    Alas, here is my http://mommeeandherboys.blogspot.com/2009/01/bsm.html“ REL=”nofollow”> BSM

  • ELK
    Posted at 13:10h, 12 January Reply

    tracey ~ i take at least 1 shot a day with my camera but have a hard time keeping up with the organizational part of the project ie.:posting in flickr set, group, blog etc.

    on a similar note I am doing a “100 Days at my Table” taking photos through out the year of one of my favorite spots in my home…


  • Mia's Mama
    Posted at 13:13h, 12 January Reply

    I also love intentions over resolutions 🙂

    Your 365 shots are gorgeous!

    My Best Shot is just a peaceful moment I captured in the middle of some fun but crazy moments

    http://mias-mama.blogspot.com/2009/01/texas-style-winter-games.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Texas Style Winter Games

    p.s. It’s been a WHILE, and I’m glad to be back 🙂

  • MAM
    Posted at 13:42h, 12 January Reply

    I’m also doing project 365. I am hoping to capture the little details of life that would otherwise be forgotten. I look forward to creating a coffee table book at the end of the year.



  • margie
    Posted at 13:44h, 12 January Reply

    i totally agree with you, somehow this year feels different for many reasons. i am excited about my own plans for both art and my photography, thank you shutter sisters, or maybe i should save the thank you until after the art course i start tomorrow. your work is beautiful!!

  • craftyone77
    Posted at 14:15h, 12 January Reply

    i’m doing the project 365. i’m posting pics as often as i can to my blog, trying to do so every day, as an attempt to have to say something about them as well as take them. force myself to journal out my life.

    it helps with the memory, which for me is bad at times. i hate that so much of life falls through the cracks for me.

    so yes, i’m part of the big project as well! good luck with it!

  • Megan
    Posted at 14:36h, 12 January Reply

    i’m not doing 365, but i am committed to learning new camera skills this year. namely, i want to get better with the speed light i’ve had for a year and still don’t know how to use effectively. 🙂

    http://www.mentalinventory.blogspot.com/“ REL=”nofollow”>Coming Soon

  • Jen
    Posted at 14:50h, 12 January Reply

    I love your outlook on the New Year. Intentions are way better than resolutions. I haven’t been able to commit to the 365 project, but I can’t wait to see all of your wonderful photos.

    Here’s my BSM:
    http://www.newgreenmama.blogspot.com/“ REL=”nofollow”>Too Cute

  • Christina
    Posted at 14:54h, 12 January Reply

    Then perhaps it’s time for me too to admit that I’m doing the 365 project! Your images are all so lovely.

    My BSM: http://momology.blogspot.com/2009/01/shoot-moon.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Shoot the Moon

  • carrie
    Posted at 14:56h, 12 January Reply

    Oh, Tracey – your 365 shots are all so incredible! You make the most simple things seem truly magical. They are just beautiful and inspiring.

    I might try to jump in and do the 365, if for no other reason than to see something else through my viewfinder that is not my girls!

    But…today’s Best shot is of http://barelycontrolledchaos.wordpress.com/2009/01/11/brought-to-you-by-emma-and-the-letter-s-best-shot-monday/“ REL=”nofollow”>my sweet girl.

  • G. K. Photography
    Posted at 15:18h, 12 January Reply

    I’ve titled my first 365 project the “Discovery Project”. I’m finding that taking a photo a day is so uplifting for my soul. I am noticing the little things throughout my day!

    Here’s the link:

  • Anita Roach Photography
    Posted at 15:33h, 12 January Reply

    I’ve started…and stopped and restarted…but I feel inspired to stay committed now that its out in the world that I’m doing it. I’m blogging it http://www.anitaroachphotography.blogspot.com“ REL=”nofollow”>here

  • Stacy
    Posted at 16:01h, 12 January Reply

    Best of luck to you on your project! Love these shots – the first one holds the promise of spring. Right now it’s snowing here and on Wed it’s not supposed to get above zero…so I really appreciate that shot!

    My project for this year is going to be a self portrait project. Not everyday, but a few times a month. I want to use it to learn posing and seeing creatively. My creative juices are flowing already! I think this is really going to help me grow, and allow me to shoot things I want to shoot. It will definitely fill my creative need. I have a few up now.


  • Leslie
    Posted at 16:09h, 12 January Reply

    I’m attempting the 365 and have my http://www.flickr.com/photos/westieluvr/sets/72157612145771559/“ REL=”nofollow”>photos on flickr. I wavered a bit but decided to just jump in; if I don’t make it, I’ll just try again!

    I love your photos and look forward to seeing them all!

  • Phyllis Sommer
    Posted at 16:18h, 12 January Reply

    i would like to do 365 for one month…i think that’s all i could handle.

    my best shot: http://imabima.blogspot.com/2009/01/me-do-it.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Me Do It!

  • Joanna
    Posted at 17:38h, 12 January Reply

    Good luck on the 365 project….I thought about it, but havent commited to it yet!

    Here’s my http://worth-it-all.blogspot.com/2009/01/best-shot-monday_11.html“ REL=”nofollow”>BSM.

  • Mandy aka Mandaroo
    Posted at 18:10h, 12 January Reply

    I’m not doing any 365, but wish I had. It was already the 5th or 6th before I knew it! Love your photos, all so very lovely!
    Here’s my http://2nd2theright.blogspot.com/2009/01/off-to-theaterbsm.html“ REL=”nofollow”> bsm this week. Dont’ usually do my kids for bsm, but Violet looked so lovely, I couldn’t resist. : )

  • Killlashandra
    Posted at 18:18h, 12 January Reply

    I like your comment about intentions. I read another blog who was going for a lifestyle changes rather than New Years Resolutions also. I like both ideas rather than trying to meet up a goal I know I’m not going to be able to do. Good intentions can go such a long way though. 🙂

    I hope you succeed on the 365 pics a day project. I’ve always wanted to try that but I know life will just carry me away without the camera. LOL

    As I took a grand total of 4 pictures over the weekend, this one of http://www.killlashandra.org/wordpress/?p=1466“ REL=”nofollow”>W.W. playing with Bandit turned out to be the best.

  • Amy
    Posted at 18:49h, 12 January Reply

    Beautiful post. I thought of committing to the 365 but could not do it, tho I probably could since I do take a picture a day I think:) yours are all wonderful, I adore the top shot too;) I think my most recent shot of madeline window shopping is my favorite this year so far:)

  • boringtaxstuff
    Posted at 19:09h, 12 January Reply

    I love this post (and the photos, especially the top shot).

    Here is my best shot, capturing my 3rd daughter’s first Shirley Temple.

    http://boringtaxstuff.wordpress.com/2009/01/12/sweet-heaven/“ REL=”nofollow”>Sweet Heaven.


  • Anna at Hank and Willie
    Posted at 21:33h, 12 January Reply

    I’m thinking about the SS Jump Start, too. Next year for 365, I think. It is hard to start an inspiring photo project in New England in January, I find. Love the start you’ve made, Tracey, I just want to drink in all the color!

    Here’s my http://hankandwillie.wordpress.com/2009/01/12/hit-me-with-your-best-shot/“ REL=”nofollow”>best shot of the week, or at least the most memorable, poor Henry!

  • kristin
    Posted at 21:51h, 12 January Reply

    yes i started my very first 365 in nov. with joy’s 30 days of gratitude challenge. i just carried on and made it my 365 of gratitude. searching for something in each day to be grateful for . even on days i don’t feel so grateful. a positive self motivator i hope.


  • maile
    Posted at 22:23h, 12 January Reply

    so inspiring tracey. Your work, and the way you combine photographs is like no other. You really do have a way of assembling elements to make something beautiful, whether is flowers, or people.

  • Arizaphale
    Posted at 00:55h, 13 January Reply

    Late as usual!
    I meant to get this up last night but fell asleep! Too much holiday.
    What a superb collection of images for your first 365 post. I love the goldfish!
    Happy New Year Tracey.

  • Arizaphale
    Posted at 00:57h, 13 January Reply

    Don’t know where I’m going wrong with my links so just have this.

  • Alex
    Posted at 01:28h, 13 January Reply

    I am doing 365 too, just signed up today…I am also doing the Jump Start from Shutter Sisters for January, and have been doing a photo blog with my best friend (who happens to live across the ocean)…Busy, but I love playing with my camera and I know I will be learning lots this year 🙂

  • Kimberly
    Posted at 02:25h, 13 January Reply

    You won’t regret doing the Project 365. It’s a wonderful tool to help you open up your eyes to new photographic possibilities.

    For any of your readers who are interested in taking a photo a day, and then posting them once weekly, I’m hosting a http://alteringlife.blogspot.com/2009/01/open-invitation-what-maggie-and-i-would.html“ REL=”nofollow”>”Picture A Day” meme each Saturday on my blog:

    It works pretty much just like Best Shot Monday. And speaking of Best Shot’s, mine this week was http://alteringlife.blogspot.com/2009/01/bsm-not-exactly-how-i-pictured-it.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Not Exactly How I Pictured It.

  • littlepurplecow
    Posted at 03:58h, 13 January Reply

    I am so excited to hear that you are kicking off 2009 with Project 365, Tracey! It will push you, but in a very good way. Looking forward to following your journey.

  • Julie
    Posted at 04:42h, 13 January Reply

    Thank you for posting the little push I needed to start my own project 365! I’m working on getting that up and running. I’m excited to learn more about photography, about my camera and to see what will come of it. http://danielsprogress.blogspot.com/2009/01/bsm-mmm.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Here is my BSM.

  • Bunny
    Posted at 11:22h, 13 January Reply

    Tracey, I am so excited that you are doing a 365 project! I started one too and didn’t mention it right away to sort of make sure I could do it. I look forward to following your project along with mine.

  • Betzography
    Posted at 12:56h, 13 January Reply

    I’ve always envied those who posted a photo every single day for a year. I wanted to do a 365 this year and decided that I shouldn’t put it off. Like you however, I might not be posting every photo but I’m definitely shooting every day… even when I think there’s nothing around to shoot.

    Great post as always and I agree.. the lead photo of the post is a stunner!

  • Shelly
    Posted at 17:02h, 13 January Reply

    Very nice photos. I have to get motivated to start a 365 project. But for now, here’s my BSM:



  • sunmamma
    Posted at 16:51h, 14 January Reply

    Gorgeous! I too started with the idea of intentions this year. I feel really good about them too.
    xo Sebrina

  • Shelly
    Posted at 04:23h, 20 January Reply

    What wonderful shots for your project! I keep hearing about other people starting the 365 project but I keep procrastinating. I’m going to have to bite the bullet one of these days. In the meantime, here’s my http://apertureofmyeye.blogspot.com/2009/01/best-shot-monday-dolly.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Best Shot Monday post.

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