celebrating community

celebrating community

A love letter to the communities that made my 2010 amazing.

Shutter Sisters,

Where would I be without you? Your love, support, passion and vision has shaped not only who I am as a photographer but who I am as a human being.


Big Picture Classes,

Stacy and Kayce, thank you so much for inviting me into your community. You and the amazing circle of women you have gathered in the name of creativity have changed my life for the better. Having the opportunity to teach my classes and get to know so many amazing new friends has been a gift.


I am Enough Collaborative,

I hardly have words. Lucky for me, there are only a few words that really need to be said and many of you know exactly what they are. I have to say thank you for baring witness to my own soul work and for finding the courage to contemplate and bravery to share your own stories of enoughness. The Collaborative has been a pivotal and integral part of my life’s journey. I am forever grateful.



Thank you you isn’t nearly enough. You have become like air. What would I ever be with you? I am glad I’ll never have to find out. I love you all so.

xo tracey

A special thanks to Caligator at Reverb10 for prompting this love letter to some of the most important groups of women of the past year and of my life.

  • playcrane
    Posted at 14:04h, 12 December Reply

    We all love and appreciate you too! What a year you have had!!!

  • lifeineden {amy}
    Posted at 14:38h, 12 December Reply

    Thank YOU for all the work you do to help build these communities!

  • bonnierose
    Posted at 14:44h, 12 December Reply

    our communities shape who we are.. xo love your post xo

  • Whitney
    Posted at 17:38h, 12 December Reply

    What a beautiful year…I know you feel blessed to be part of such a wonderful community.

  • Cali @caligater
    Posted at 23:34h, 12 December Reply

    Tracey – What a sweet, sweet love letter. A beautiful response to the community prompt. Thank you for sharing this bit of yummy! 🙂

    With reverberations from #reverb10 HQ, cali

  • Ellen
    Posted at 03:48h, 13 December Reply

    Congrats on finding your community; It is a journey. I love your response~ Happy for you!

  • Chelsea
    Posted at 01:13h, 14 December Reply

    And thank YOU for all your dedication, your evident passion and optimism not only for art but also for life!! I have a feeling with all this talk about 2011, and making the year feel welcome before it is even here is going to make for a wonderful year!!

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