23 Feb comforts of home
Am I the only one who marvels at the fact that no matter what kinds of swirling, spinning activity there is happening out and about on the world wide web, we can still stay so close to home?
As I wind down a day of bright, bold and beautiful things *out there*, I am amazed that I can do so much of it from *in here* amidst the comforts of home.
Today, I took a lot of deep breaths and held a warm cup of tea close as I quietly soaked it all in.
Where do you find yourself these days? I do hope it’s somewhere you feel at home.
Posted at 07:12h, 23 Februarywelcome home indeed my dear one… and thank you ever so much for inviting us to share your bright, bold and beautiful world.
Posted at 14:07h, 23 Februarythank you for inviting me to share space in your home this week…honored and grateful.
red or gray
Posted at 23:04h, 23 Februarythis is lovely … yes i do stay close to home .. creating with a cat and a dog close by ..be well friend
Damiane Lucas
Posted at 03:37h, 24 FebruaryOh, Tracey, you're a gifted photographer and writer. Your words are just as calming and comforting as your photos. Thanks for sharing your artistry. God bless.
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Posted at 08:38h, 16 MarchYour writing is very elegant, very vivid and lively, I really like you, wish you continued to write better articles, I will often try to concern, oh!latex catsuit