Cool Places

  • michelle of bleeding espresso
    Posted at 05:30h, 02 October Reply

    Ooh I’ll take a vanilla milkshake please 🙂 Happy Love Thursday!

  • melody is slurping life
    Posted at 06:04h, 02 October Reply

    Me, too!

    Perfect shot for your “week” album. Gosh, tell those girls to slow down on the growing up.

  • jeana
    Posted at 10:04h, 02 October Reply

    oh, yum – I could go for a milkshake too 🙂

  • ELK
    Posted at 11:32h, 02 October Reply

    oh I am enjoying these so much!!
    such a great shot … very comfortable.

  • margie
    Posted at 13:08h, 02 October Reply

    when my children were younger and we were into the long days of winter, i would sometimes just not wake them up in the morning and we would spend the day indulging in milkshakes and treats and movies. i used to tell them it was a mental health day. i wonder what their teachers thought when they would say they were home for mental health day. moments like this are to be treasured.

  • tracey clark
    Posted at 14:07h, 02 October Reply

    thanks for the comments everyone! please note-these are jamba juices. I have no idea why that seems important but I thought I’d give my favorite hand out a little plug. : )

  • tracey clark
    Posted at 14:08h, 02 October Reply

    i mean HANG OUT. Although I wish they gave hand outs. : )

  • Kyla
    Posted at 19:54h, 02 October Reply

    Wonderful snapshot of everyday life! Love it!

  • Shalet
    Posted at 23:39h, 02 October Reply

    I thought they were jamba juices! Sounds good to me!

  • Golightly
    Posted at 05:28h, 03 October Reply

    hey, whats that free Jamba sign in the window? Better I go to my nearest store and check it out? (Yes, that was a Yoda sentence – too much boy today.)

    Speaking of the boy, I just posted A Little Perspective tonight.

    Have a great weekend (and I’ll link to you if you post something)

  • Emily
    Posted at 05:37h, 03 October Reply

    I love those days, too!

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