creature comforts

creature comforts

– waking from an afternoon nap

“The most important thing she’d learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill 

The more I slow down, the more of these moments present themselves and the more of the million ways to be a good mother are revealed. What could possibly be better than that?

Photo courtesy of the young shutter sister in my home, age 11.

  • ELK
    Posted at 10:20h, 08 April Reply

    special moment by the three of you…

  • MelodyA.
    Posted at 12:40h, 08 April Reply

    She is good! That is an awesome shot and awesome moment captured.

  • Wanda
    Posted at 16:20h, 08 April Reply

    Just lovely!

  • Christina
    Posted at 17:45h, 08 April Reply

    Whoa! Tracey, she could not look any more like you!

  • Heather
    Posted at 20:08h, 08 April Reply

    I love this post! I had a similar moment last night. My 7 year old daughter bought a lovely box of 120 crayola crayons, and I rediscovered the joy of colouring!

    By the way, your new space looks lovely! It’s been awhile since I’ve been around.

    (For some reason, it won’t accept my URL – keeps telling me it’s invalid. It should be

  • HappyHourMom
    Posted at 03:27h, 09 April Reply

    Stunning, powerful, warrior love between a mother and her young. Great post t
    Julia – You are so amazing!

  • Chris
    Posted at 15:55h, 09 April Reply

    Just gorgeous! Love that "Little Shutter Sister"!

  • Chookooloonks
    Posted at 14:03h, 10 April Reply

    That’s one she’ll frame and take with her to college. 🙂

  • andrea scher
    Posted at 16:31h, 11 April Reply

    that photo is stunning…

  • Rachel
    Posted at 11:33h, 13 April Reply

    How apt is that sentiment, perfectly married with your image.
    They grow up frighteningly fast and time seems to accelerate with every year that I am a mother. I hope that when my stewardship is over that I don’t look back with too many regrets at time ill spent and moments lost.

  • Colleen - a madison mom
    Posted at 14:54h, 13 April Reply

    Wonderful photo! I love the thought that just slowing down gives you the opportunity to have those moments.

    Posted at 04:11h, 14 April Reply

    this is so beautiful, tracey. and i love the quote. need that today, truly!

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