Dear Parents of Teens

Dear Parents of Teens

A pair of high top tennis shoes on the ground with the words Dear Parents of Teens written on the wall.

Dear Parents of Teens,

Right now, you have a huge opportunity (dare I say responsibility) to connect with your teenager. The rug is being pulled out from under them on every level, in every aspect of their lives. Their daily routines, as they have always known them, are being stripped away. Their social lives and norms are being disrupted. Their futures are in question. Everything that’s predictable has been upended. Their entire world is changing while the adults around them are reacting in fear and panic. They have no idea how to process what is happening or what might happen. They are scared.

Please check in with them. Talk with them. Let them share their feelings; their fears, their disappointments, their emotions. And just LISTEN. Be patient and loving and understanding. Don’t trivialize their feelings. Love them. Hug them. Reassure them. THEY NEED IT. Then, share your heart. They want to hear how you’re feeling; your fears, your disappointments, your emotions. You don’t have to have it all figured out. Just be honest. Your teen needs the truth from you, now more than ever. Let them know that you are WITH them; that you are in this together. Let your relationship be reciprocal. Lean on each other. It’s amazing how insightful they can be when they feel seen, heard, and respected; how they step-up. Remember, they might not always respond in a way that pleases you. They might say things that perplex you. They might act out. They might make you mad. That’s OK. Let them. Be patient with them. They might even slam the door in your face. But, they also just might let you in.

Parents of teens, it’s time to bring your A game.

Your child needs you. You got this!

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