desire to inspire

desire to inspire

You probably wouldn’t be surprised if I told you that my greatest desire in my life’s work is to inspire people; to see the beauty in everyday life, to tell their stories, to look at the world through new eyes (including the lens of a camera). That being said, I was honored to have been invited to contribute to the new book by Christine Mason Miller called Desire to Inspire: Using Creative Passion to Transform the World (due out in late November).

From now until the book hits the shelves, Christine (aka Swirly) will be featuring all of the awesome contributors from the book on her blog. I am delighted to be in the company of such inspiring ladies!

Pop over and check out the inspirational goodness in anticipation of a book with a Desire to Inspire! And in celebration of the book, Christine is generously giving away a wall piece to one of you! All you need to do is to leave a comment here between now and Sunday night at midnight PST for you chance to win one of these beauties!

Looking forward to hearing from you! And while you’re here, do share what inspires you. Something about inspiration…when you share it, it becomes that much more inspirational. Am I right?

Oh, and FYI, Amazon offers a fantastic glimpse into the pages of Desire to Inspire so you can sneak a peek! You can’t imagine how beautiful it is!


and the winner is…Heather S. YAY! Congrats Heather!

  • Irene
    Posted at 11:50h, 04 November Reply

    congratulations Tracey! looks fabulous! xo

  • hanna
    Posted at 12:35h, 04 November Reply

    would love to win and thanks for all your inspiration

  • melissa
    Posted at 12:55h, 04 November Reply

    so happy for you and the collective. beautiful. and thank you for the generous offering. i am always inspired by the ocean and its tidal rhythms, by being connected to my body and its wisdom, by honest storytelling, and by laughter.

  • Kathryn Dyche Dechairo
    Posted at 13:23h, 04 November Reply

    Wow, congratulations Tracey, you must be so excited. I find myself inspired by many things but the big one for me is nature which often evident in both my artwork and photography.

  • Katie @ cakes, tea and dreams
    Posted at 13:49h, 04 November Reply

    What gorgeous prints and a fun giveaway. I'm inspired by travel – something about a change of scenery always does wonders for my soul.

  • Renee Burke
    Posted at 14:08h, 04 November Reply

    How Delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!! I, too, long to inspire – -I actually have the words "honor, empower, motivate, inspire' on my biz cards!
    – I am all about it but I do love some inspiration of my own and would be tickled pink to win this lovely! xoxoxo Renee of Happily Ever After by Renee Burke, LLC

  • Lu
    Posted at 14:22h, 04 November Reply

    How wonderful, my friend. This is great.

  • fiona jones
    Posted at 14:23h, 04 November Reply

    I'm feeling inspired by so many talented woman I have met on Shutter Sisters…not only their photography but their honesty, and encouragement. My photography is changing together with my outlook, and this has become an exciting journey for me 🙂
    Getting rid of my blue backdrops and studio lights, and discovering something much more authentic is where I want to be…so thank you Shutter Sisters…you really have inspired me…xx

  • lindsay ostrom
    Posted at 14:26h, 04 November Reply

    Love the wall plauqes and they would look perfect in a very special spot in my play room. On my way over to amazon to check out the book…. just in time for me to ask santa for it. I have been a very good girl this year. But just this year… hehehe

  • stefanie renee
    Posted at 14:59h, 04 November Reply

    congratulations! how much fun ~ can't wait to dive into the book 🙂


  • Heather
    Posted at 15:11h, 04 November Reply

    I am really looking forward to this book and all the amazing inspiring souls in it! Inspiration getting it and hopefully giving it are what make me more happy then just about anything!

  • Lola
    Posted at 16:33h, 04 November Reply

    Congratulations! The book looks beautiful. I am inspired on a daily basis by the creative women I have met through blogs, online classes, and especially through Camp Shutter Sisters.

  • Chelsea
    Posted at 16:36h, 04 November Reply

    Congratulations! I have been following your blog, as well as the shutter sitter's blog. They are my happy place. You have no idea what your words and pictures do for me. As well as all of the other shutter sitters. A bad day turns into a good day. I appreciate that. I have always been interested in photography and really want to get more involved. I even got a 2nd job to save money for a camera. Right now I'll just keep clicking away with my iPhone.

    Thank you for your inspiration!

  • Kris McNeil
    Posted at 17:08h, 04 November Reply

    Congratulations! If anyone deserves to be celebrated as inspirational, it is you. You are an Inspiration Maven! You are a prime example of how sharing only makes the gift grow. Thank you for all you do.

  • Melinda T
    Posted at 18:54h, 04 November Reply

    Congrats! The book sounds great! I'm inspired by everything around me, my girls, blogs I read and songs I listen to.

  • amy z
    Posted at 19:26h, 04 November Reply

    I am inspired when I see others being courageous enough to live authentically, unafraid to be who they really are. I'm also inspired by kindness and generosity and empathy. These things all make me believe that no matter what goes wrong in the world, there is always hope and light…there is always goodness. When I feel that, I see beauty everywhere and am compelled to make photographs…trying to share with others just how much gorgeous truth surrounds us.

    Congratulations on the book. It'll be added to my Amazon wish list before the holidays!

  • Jolynn
    Posted at 21:32h, 04 November Reply

    Congratulations! Can't wait to get a copy of the book when it releases. I get inspired by looking at other's photos. I keep thinking ah someday I too will be able to take photos like that. That is my hope anyway.

  • Linda
    Posted at 02:01h, 05 November Reply

    What an awesome group of wall art! I think that I get inspired by being around creative people.

  • SusanC
    Posted at 02:11h, 05 November Reply

    Would love to win!

  • lauren
    Posted at 02:28h, 06 November Reply

    congrats to you — you are so amazingly talented. and people like you inspire me!

  • Beth
    Posted at 04:23h, 07 November Reply

    What inspires me is great talks with inspiring women, who help me see my gifts and allow me to support them on their journeys too.

  • anngeedee
    Posted at 16:09h, 07 November Reply

    I missed the deadline, but wanted to share anyways. I am inspired by seeing others be brave and follow their passions. I'm dipping my toes in a little at a time (to steal from Holly's post today at SS) and the water is so refreshing.

  • Natasha
    Posted at 18:54h, 07 November Reply

    There is so much I am inspired by, little things and big things. Just moments in my life that grab me. And always the ocean. And love, and truth and stillness.

  • Jennifer
    Posted at 01:52h, 09 November Reply

    This book is going to be amazing! I cannot wait to get my hands on it. Congratulations to everyone in the book and to Christine for pulling something so lovely together. xoxox

  • Hillary
    Posted at 06:14h, 09 November Reply

    Tracey, this is AWESOME! So proud of you, girl! I am inspired by you 🙂 and by Christine (she's awesome, too!). And I'm inspired by anyone stepping out of her comfort zone. Courage. Brava!

  • Kim
    Posted at 01:51h, 22 November Reply

    How wonderful. I am looking forward to jumping back into something…. This might be just the dose of medicine I need.
    Hoping for creativity to heal.

  • Desire to Inspire Happenings | Christine Mason Miller
    Posted at 10:29h, 09 October Reply

    […] Pixie Campbell Vineeta Nair Liz Kalloch Penelope Dullaghan Christen Olivarez Anne Carmack Tracey Clark Mindy Tsonas Carmen […]

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