dreamy little details

dreamy little details

Although I shot quite a few images this week, I’ve also been in catch up mode which means, sifting and sorting through old projects, images from the last few months and wrapping up the work that has needed my attention for weeks now. My best shot today was taken a while back but brought to mind all the things I’m discovering and rediscovering as I have had a little more time to meander and muse. A million images from fun family events we’ve attended, opportunities we’ve been afforded lately (pictures coming this week) as well as some of my photography work that I’ve been busy with.

I spent much of the weekend editing a recent wedding and as synchronicity would have it, Kate asked us to share wedding images with her today at Shutter Sisters. It was just the nudge I needed to share some of my “work” here on my blog. I feature my everyday bliss here on my blog and yet, there is a whole different side of me and my career that I have rarely shared here. I’m not sure why I haven’t shared my photography sessions and/or events in the past but I’ve decided to take the plunge and start featuring some of that work here too. Well, by here I mean over at my new featured sessions page.

How about you? What kinds of dreamy details are you discovering these days? Share your best shot.

  • susiej
    Posted at 17:34h, 03 May Reply

    What a luscious shot . True Love

  • Joanna
    Posted at 17:59h, 03 May Reply

    Its nice to have the time to go through your shots and think of all the good memories that come along with the, I love the beautiful pink color. My BSM is a random shot full of character.

  • tracy
    Posted at 18:00h, 03 May Reply

    Tracey, The session shots are lovely, and a beautiful addition to show a greater fullness of work that is fun to see.
    My Best Shot Monday – a floral, as well…it seems a time of gratitude for spring’s beauty.

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 18:36h, 03 May Reply

    Thanks for sharing your wedding photos. It’s cool to catch a glimpse into the other side!

    Here is my shot for this week: Wishes.

  • Melissa G
    Posted at 19:58h, 03 May Reply

    Beautiful, I can’t wait to look through the sessions.

    Here’s my best shot.

  • Lis
    Posted at 20:08h, 03 May Reply

    I am loving this month and the chance to start Project Spring all over again (I got a little lost last month!)

    Here is my weekend and my commitment to savoring all the details of my life: http://dandelionseedsanddreams.blogspot.com/2010/05/savoring-details-best-shot-artistic.html

  • cindi
    Posted at 20:18h, 03 May Reply

    Love these petals

    Here’s my own best shot monday.

  • Blue Moon Mama
    Posted at 02:47h, 04 May Reply

    Mmm, loving that luscious color. With a new baby I find myself glorying in the tiny miraculous details of her and it’s carrying over into the rest of my life and photography. Here’s my best shot Monday feature: http://bluemoonmama.com/2010/05/04/dreamy-details-dogwood-blossoms/

  • IE Mommy
    Posted at 03:47h, 04 May Reply

    Love your look on the ordinary. Great photo. I have my best shot monday photo up too! My little lights in my life!

  • Erin
    Posted at 23:16h, 04 May Reply

    I wrote about dreaminess in photos on Monday too! My images come from a photography workshop I’m taking, called Photography for Poets, Painters and Dreamers.

  • Nicole
    Posted at 15:31h, 05 May Reply

    You can learn a lot from a little flower…

  • Cindy
    Posted at 20:14h, 05 May Reply

    I just found Shutter Sisters and am so inspired by that group and your blog as well.

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