

Year after year I have watched in reverie as Spring performs her annual show and somehow I am always astounded and delighted as if I had never seen it before.

  • Shalet
    Posted at 08:13h, 28 March Reply

    Gorgeous photo as always! Happy LT!

  • treasureseeker
    Posted at 13:22h, 28 March Reply

    I feel the same way! I am a Spring Fanatic!! The first blooms of the year, the first green….I never cease to be amazed! Beautiful shot!
    I also took some http://questfortreasure.blogspot.com/“ REL=”nofollow”>snapshots of spring in a morning stroll with my son!!

  • I am Jen
    Posted at 15:12h, 28 March Reply

    I know! It is so great to always be surprised, year after year.

  • melody is slurping life
    Posted at 21:15h, 28 March Reply

    Me, too. Like snowflakes, no two blooms of spring are every exactly the same. Love the soft beauty of this shot.

    I responded and passed your tag. 🙂

  • PeetsMom
    Posted at 20:47h, 30 March Reply

    So delicate – love it. Spring is in the air – I posted some pretty too!


    (Sorry I can’t remember how I’m supposed to make that a pretty link though!)

  • Michelle
    Posted at 02:48h, 31 March Reply

    That is so beautiful! I have seen so many lovely flower shots on the web lately, and this is certainly one of them. Spring is in full bloom here in Houston, but I’m just not sure I can capture it half as well.

  • Sassy
    Posted at 03:38h, 31 March Reply

    GORGEOUS. I want a halter top made out of a fabric that looks just like that photo.

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