everything in between

everything in between

I knew what to expect at Mom 2.0. Magic. A perfect mix of women coming together to talk about the things that matter to us; family, sisterhood, compassion, the web, career, play and passion. The weekend was everything i had hoped for and more. And I want to share it all! Every conversation, each photo, every tidbit of insight and inspiration. And like with anything wonderful, there are always unexpected delightsthat helped to weave colorful threads and beautiful texturesinto the experience.

Alas, I have been dropped back into my ‘regular’ life of children, chores, sniffly noses and other ‘regular’ life stuff (like the cable going out-which means no internet) and so i will allow myself to share a little at a time. I know as I do I will be able to savor the moments that passed so quickly from this weekend.

What about you? Although I’m a little late on this Monday, I would love to have you share something delightful and even unexpected you’ve found in your own life these days. Let’s celebrate them together.

Beautiful tag above by Cambria Cove (sigh). And the bag that it came with? To die for.

  • melody
    Posted at 22:05h, 22 February Reply

    Unexpected delights are the delightful-est. Happily looking forward to hearing more.

    A little delightful moment…


  • Joanna
    Posted at 22:14h, 22 February Reply

    I hate it when the internet goes out! Looking forward to hearing more as well.

    My BSM

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 22:44h, 22 February Reply

    We had a birthday party for my son this weekend. Not entirely unexpected, but definately delightful!

  • megan
    Posted at 22:52h, 22 February Reply

    oh yes, i know the feeling. we’re just back from vacation:
    aloha monday

  • phyllis
    Posted at 00:59h, 23 February Reply

    baking…baking…baking….and of course, eating!

    what a gorgeous tag and a beatufiul photo 🙂

  • cindi
    Posted at 01:34h, 23 February Reply

    Love it when goodness abounds…

    unexpected indeed

  • Shelly Reeve
    Posted at 01:52h, 23 February Reply

    I’m glad you had a great weekend. I had my post done early this week, so I’m not exactly in line with the theme this week. Oh well, there’s always next week. Here’s my BSM.

  • Cara
    Posted at 02:38h, 23 February Reply

    I unexpectedly got to spend the afternoon alone with my youngest and we had a great time laughing while playing with the view master.

  • camerashymomma
    Posted at 02:38h, 23 February Reply

    on sunday i took a photo of a bowl of marbles and thought "life is still life"
    it keeps going on… wrapped up in all that was surreal and divine when we all stepped outside of what is ‘regular’.
    that’s what i love the most, it’s like we get to carry those moments with us like secrets in our daily life.

  • rachel
    Posted at 03:17h, 23 February Reply

    You were a treasure to meet.
    The bag you got for being a speaker… Cambria Cove did GOOD!

    I’m so glad that I got the chance to talk to you and I can’t wait for your class in April 😉

  • Secret Agent Mama/Mishelle
    Posted at 16:39h, 23 February Reply

    I’m still developing all my memories from Blissdom10 (which next year I think I want to definitely go to Mom 2.0…and in NOLA, hello!) but my greatest delight is friendship. There are so many souls out there that have touched me, and continue to touch me. People who seem to just know me. It’s beautiful, really.

  • Haley
    Posted at 21:26h, 23 February Reply

    I love the photo! It was so nice to see you again…thanks for the super sweet comment today!

    I appreciate it!

  • Lisa Mann
    Posted at 03:27h, 24 February Reply

    My unexpected delight today was a moment of shared mirth with a very, very quiet girl in my 8th grade history class. It was quiet mirth, but mirth nonetheless!

  • Deb
    Posted at 13:39h, 24 February Reply

    My unexpected delight was our family dinner for my birthday. My local kids (two daughters and a son) and their spouses and four grandkids had a wonderful relaxing dinner and then frozen yogurt cake. We all love and enjoy each other. Life is good.

  • rachel
    Posted at 17:16h, 24 February Reply

    Told you the bag was the way to go 😉 I took a pic of the quote too, however yours is better 🙂 I love the DOF!!!

    My unexpected delight.. my 3 yo walking up to kiss my arm out of nowhere and then watching him toddle away in his cowboy boots and underwear.

    My heart overflows.

  • Blue Moon Mama
    Posted at 18:44h, 24 February Reply

    I recently started a new blog of my own and now I’ve just discovered your wonderful blog & challenge. Here’s my first attempt at a best shot mondIay. I can’t wait to visit all the other’s who participate here and hope to make some new blogging friends. Thanks for creating such a great community!


  • Susan Tuttle
    Posted at 20:26h, 25 February Reply

    Your photography is breathtaking — definitely one of my delights today. I hope your internet kicks back in quickly.

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