Fashion SOS

Fashion SOS

So, I’ve got the invite but not the outfit. Blogger Fashionistas, I need your help. Where to go? What to buy? What the hell am I going to wear??



  • misha
    Posted at 20:43h, 15 November Reply

    Is it black tie?

  • tracey
    Posted at 21:19h, 15 November Reply

    No, not Black Tie, but from what I understand, Red Carpet. And OMG. I have nothing to wear!

  • sweatpantsmom
    Posted at 02:38h, 17 November Reply

    I’m not sure what to wear, but…CAN I COME WITH YOU?

  • Mary Tsao
    Posted at 22:01h, 18 November Reply

    I love sweatpantsmom’s answer! Classic.

    Glad you had a good time! Sounds like fun.

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