fierce love

fierce love

Myriam, me and Jen Lemen. Image by Kelly Rae Roberts


I don’t know where I’d be without Myriam in my life.

The first time we met, I was very pregnant with my second daughter. Before I had any adequate time to even get to know her one-on-one, she called the women we were with together, gathering them around me to bless my coming-baby girl. I don’t remember all the details (something magical about wishes and string around my belly and then wearing the string as a braceless) but I remember the feeling. It surrounded me.

I was loved. I was nurtured. I was blessed. And when someone has the power to make you feel that way, and to do the same for your child (born or unborn) it is something you never forget.

From that day forward and every day since, Myriam has given me and my family this gift. True, unconditional love and support no matter what. For myself and my daughters. Our relationship would be gift enough, but the connection she has to my children makes me weepy.

Myriam is full of magic. She loves fiercely and without limit. She gives more than anyone I know; from her kitchen, from her pocketbook, from her closet, from her heart and soul. Myriam is an eternal giver of all things good. Anyone who knows her recognizes it because everyone she touches has experienced her gererousity. It’s palpable.

And, in true Myriam fashion, she gives still. As her precious Haiti has suffered greatly and deeply, she is giving us a chance to help directly to Haiti relief. She, like no one else can, holds Joy for Haiti knowing that through our efforts we can make a difference. It’s as simple as chipping in. And appropriately enough she will hand-deliver our gifts because you see, that is just who she is.

  • chele
    Posted at 20:31h, 27 January Reply

    Hi I have followed your blog and been oh so inspired and uplifted by it.
    I would absolutely LOVE to be able to attend the 2.0Mom but sadly can’t seem to find a way to pull it off.
    I feel silly asking I’ve been quite reserved about entering the blog world a side from feasting on the many delightful established blog networks but how do I actually begin to create a network? I’m feeling a wee bit more brave, and witness the beautiful relationships you and others have…I would truly appreciate your thoughts. So Grateful.

    PS This pic takes my breath away, the beauty,vibrancy and love ..Thank you yet again.

  • Maggie May
    Posted at 02:42h, 31 January Reply

    that is just such a kick ass picture.

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