Greetings from Paris

Greetings from Paris

As far as having a Happy New Year I can say, so far, so good.

I’m calling this one ‘scarf, stripes and Stella’.

Paris for lunch and then to Monte Carlo for Dinner.

Tom and Katie have nothing on us…except maybe their own private jet. Do they have one of those?
Regardless, here’s to livin’ large in 2008!

  • Colleen
    Posted at 14:49h, 05 January Reply

    What fun!!!!
    Happy new year!

  • LLD
    Posted at 23:30h, 05 January Reply

    Happy New Year! and I know you will have a lovely time, I went to Paris last year and it is my absolute favourite place !!! Can’t wait to go back some day. 🙂

  • Maya
    Posted at 00:08h, 06 January Reply

    Oh so jealous jealous jealous!!!

    Happy New Year! Thanks for inspiring all of us!

  • Christina
    Posted at 03:37h, 06 January Reply

    oooh, in Paris! You are one lucky lady!
    happy New Year!

  • tracey
    Posted at 17:30h, 06 January Reply

    OK, I must come clean….this is the Paris resort in Las Vegas. Did anybody catch that?

  • Angela
    Posted at 20:37h, 06 January Reply

    I had martinis with Greg at that very cafe 3 years ago, I love Vegas! Grown-up playground…

    Posted at 01:57h, 07 January Reply

    You look gorgeous. My favorite memory of Stella is from Cambridge, and punting down the Thames.

    Great caption – and drink one for me!

    I just read your comment. Pretty good — you tricked me.

  • Dawn
    Posted at 05:06h, 07 January Reply

    fooled me too, although i did think that hotel seemed remarkably un-European.

  • Shannon
    Posted at 13:55h, 07 January Reply

    I only caught it after reading your latest post.

    But, I was thinking while reading this post the other day….’she’s in Paris and she didn’t show any incredible pictures???!!!’

    I was in Paris in November and I wish you could get there someday. You’d never come from behind your camera as there is sooo much character in buildings and people.

  • Golightly
    Posted at 08:54h, 10 January Reply

    PS Sent you“ REL=”nofollow”> flowers, thanks for all your inspiration.
    Glad you had such a nice vacation.

  • melody is slurping life
    Posted at 23:04h, 13 January Reply

    Real Paris or Vegas…I’m still jealous! 🙂

    Great to hear you had a fabulous New Year treat.

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