holding appreciation

holding appreciation

The trend of encouraging heartfelt, handmade gifts for teachers is a welcome one. As parents, we know the best gifts are those given with love and made the same way. You can keep it affordable and meaningful and still show a great deal of appreciation for teachers, coaches, Girl Scout Leaders, etc.

Design Mom Gabrielle offered the cutest idea to add a personal touch to a very practical (and super-useful) teacher’s gift. I love her idea and will keep it in my back pocket for when I need it. I think however, I’ll be using a CleanWell hand soap. Their soaps smell like heaven and the design of their bottles can’t be beat. Oh, and the labels on their bottles are made to peel off. Love that!

There was even a whole share-fest of DYI teacher gifts on The Motherhood the other day. I love getting good ideas from other moms!

In fact, these things got me inspired to share my own gift-giving favorite; garden flowers (whatever is blooming in the yard at the time) in a recycled jar. Easy-peasy and totally endearing. I have a cupboard where I stow away my favorite jars. One of the best vase jars I have found is from my favorite dressing in the world, Litehouse Blue Cheese. It works particularly well when you want to add a personalized band of construction paper around it. Did I mention I covet jars? And flowers? And my daughter’s handwriting? I will admit I sometimes have a hard time parting with these. And that’s when I take a picture.

On a holiday like Memorial Day there are many many people we hold appreciation for. Who or what are you appreciating on this Monday?


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