hope and love

  • sperlygirl
    Posted at 16:33h, 30 April Reply

    what a lovely image of your heart (and your girls!) ~ happy love thursday, tracey. đŸ™‚

  • Meg
    Posted at 17:12h, 30 April Reply

    *gasp* could this be any more magical?

  • lilia
    Posted at 17:17h, 30 April Reply

    Oh, Tracey – how lovely!!!!

  • CarrieJ
    Posted at 17:23h, 30 April Reply

    So super, sugary sweet! I want to OD on this picture!
    Happy Love Thursday!

  • Cam
    Posted at 17:28h, 30 April Reply

    So much love in this picture,
    yours for your beautiful daughters,
    theirs for good times with their sister…

    Happy Love Thursday to you & those awesome girls of yours!!

  • sweetsalty kate
    Posted at 17:59h, 30 April Reply

    stunningly gorgeous. sigh. xo

  • jenny d
    Posted at 18:00h, 30 April Reply

    oh yes! that is a beautiful, lovely, wonderful, capture! xox

  • Maggie
    Posted at 18:12h, 30 April Reply

    What a lovely shot of your beautiful girls. Hope and love indeed.

  • Lecia
    Posted at 18:17h, 30 April Reply

    Be still my heart! Happy Love Thursday!

  • Gayle
    Posted at 18:55h, 30 April Reply

    Your heart is beautiful! Happy Love Thursday!

  • Sandra
    Posted at 22:25h, 30 April Reply

    oh….this is beautiful! hope and love….♥

  • Se'Lah
    Posted at 01:21h, 01 May Reply

    What a lovely image…happy love Thursday!

  • Shalet
    Posted at 04:25h, 01 May Reply

    Great shot! Happy Love Thursday!

  • shelley
    Posted at 09:38h, 01 May Reply

    This is an ever so sweet reminder of my sweet girlies long ago and far away..
    and yet it seems like only yesterday.
    Love to you and yours, your mommy

  • HappyHourMom
    Posted at 06:34h, 02 May Reply

    Those yummy girls have a piece of my heart too!

    We must, must, must have a "cousin party" soon~ Disneyland anybody???

  • donna
    Posted at 12:28h, 02 May Reply

    ohhh this is such a beautiful image, very classic and almost vintage-y in feel, gorgeous!

    and just so you know, i added a link to your blog on mine under the heading ‘blogs i read every day’

    thank you for producing such beautiful and inspirational work! <3

  • BrenĂ©
    Posted at 02:25h, 03 May Reply

    i LOVE this pic of the girls! beautiful!

  • Joanna
    Posted at 01:12h, 04 May Reply

    Wow Tracey….this is absolutely heart warming. What a beautiful shot.

  • amy
    Posted at 23:49h, 06 May Reply

    gulp. this just stopped me cold. wherever has the time gone?!? precious, perfect shot.

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