I am enough from Kat McNally

I am enough from Kat McNally

I am just like you:

doing my best to love life

in spite of my flaws.


Some days it’s easy.

I see joy everywhere and

feel so connected.


Then there are the times

I get stuck inside my head,

heart heavy with fog.


On these days I search

for (extra)ordinary

little miracles:


Pot of French Earl Grey

Perfect pair of purple boots

Walks, camera in hand


Guilt-free macarons

Losing myself in a book

Her sweet pudgy hands


Sitting with sadness

Lifelines through the overwhelm

Making space to breathe


Walks in Autumn gold

Writing with tremendous love

Paper, paint and glue


Family cuddles

Dancing wildly on my own

Friends who see my soul


Nourishing my self

Everyday celebrations

That I am worthy


That I am enough


About Kat McNally


Kat McNally is a passionate writer, secret blogger, haiku novice, extremely amateur photographer, and tentative (if idiosyncratic) artist. She lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband and daughter.


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