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It has come to my attention that two parts of me have been running the show for some time now and I’m not pleased with their performance. Meet Misses Fix-it and Misses Perfectionist; I like to think of them as the employees of Ariane Hunter Enterprises*. They work...

There is a long tradition with me of loving all things old.  As the oldest of seven, I was born old.  Others needed me to be old. Who depended on me?  Some days, it seemed like too many.  These defining moments called for fancy footwork. ...

Being pregnant is being immersed in a world of mystery. There is a person growing inside of me that I cannot see and it sends me into a state of fear. Suddenly, everything I eat, breathe, drink, and do become more important. I have to...

I walked back into prison—hearing the metallic buzz of the doors locking behind me, smelling the antiseptic chemical air cut with adrenaline and testosterone—and felt myself shaking.  I said hello to the guards, entered the ladies room to change into my borrowed uniform and looked...