Imperfect is the New Perfect

Imperfect is the New Perfect

If you do nothing else for yourself this summer, you must get the incredible Brene Brown’s brilliant CD The Gifts of Imperfect Parentingraising children with courage, compassion and connection. I am serious here. GET. THE. CD. NOW. I promise to write more about it but for now, I wanted to at least begin to spread the word since I have a minute of internet connection at my disposal (my internet has been out for days-eeeek!)

So…why the urgency? Brene starts a series on her blog this Monday (6/9) that goes over what she covers in the CD. I don’t care if you are a parent or not, you really owe it to yourself tune in. She teaches some amazing stuff. I cannot say enough about it (or couldn’t you tell?) and know I’ll be following along with her as the blog series unfolds. Oh, I’ll be buying her book too.

You can pop over to her extraordinary blog Ordinary Courage for more details. See you over there!
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