It's Nice to be Noticed

It's Nice to be Noticed

Sometimes in our day to day work we get lost in the job. Rushed and distracted we go about our business taking care of tasks if only to check one more to-do off our list. The days go quickly and there’s not much time to really reflect on our successes and yet, every day is an accomplishment, a reason to applaud ourselves.

As mothers, we wipe noses, hands and bottoms. We tote, juggle and shuffle 10-20 pounders and their gear. We manage to get kids up and out to school clothed, fed, homeworked, and back again for more food, baths, books and bed. We get through laundry, dishes and bills. And somewhere in there we hopefully eek out time for ourselves. For many of you reading this, that time often consists of blogging; about family, motherhood, our feelings. Or we turn toward something other than that. We write about gardening or politics. We cook or paint or take photographs to keep our autonomy. We create communities so that we may be seen and heard and understood. And yet, sometimes through all of it, we don’t notice or acknowledge how much we are doing and how well we are doing it.
Women often fall prey to guilt from all the things we are not getting done. We focus what we’re not doing and we hold close the notion that we aren’t enough. But, the truth is, we are enough. And what we pull off every day is amazing.

Since the launch of Shutter Sisters, I have been a busy blogger on top of everything else. Getting through my to-do list has felt next to impossible and some days I am sure that it’s never going to get done. All the plans I have for myself, my career, my blogs might never come to fruition. I so quickly forget that in fact everyday I have things out in the world to celebrate. My children for one who grace the world with their very beings. My photographs which fill many books and hang on many walls beyond my own and live on blogs that people visit every day. I know this is all true but sometimes I forget to enjoy it.

It took kind words from a stranger to remind me that what is happening at Shutter Sisters (or any other part of my life) doesn’t rely on what I plan to do in the future with it. It’s not about my looming to-do list but instead what exists right now. What IS.

Reading Scott’s insightful words made me realize that the true purpose behind Shutter Sisters is being seen and understood perfectly, even by an outsider (for lack of better words) and perhaps even more surprising, a Gadget Guy. It was the little nod I needed to make me sit my action down for a few minutes to enjoy what I have accomplished, and what I do everyday.

I encourage you to do the same for yourself, over a few deep breaths. I promise, it’ll be time well spent.

  • meredithwinn
    Posted at 21:29h, 10 September Reply

    sometimes seeing ourselves through someone else’s eyes is a gift in itself. i loved scott’s post, and all that he recognized, seeing (or better yet, FEELING) the importance of it.

    so, yet again i will say thank you, for giving birth to this sisterhood that so many of us carry with us through our days.

  • Leslie
    Posted at 21:52h, 10 September Reply

    A great post and good reminder to celebrate each moment,each day. Shutter Sisters is indeed an inspiring place!

  • gonzomama
    Posted at 22:34h, 10 September Reply

    i’m with meredith. thank you for the gift of the sisterhood. not only is the inspiration wonderful, but so is the company and the encouragement from fellow sisters.
    also, thank you for that second paragraph. i needed that today. i think we tend to forget how much we women are actually doing when it becomes such a part of our daily routine.

  • Kath
    Posted at 23:27h, 10 September Reply

    this is an excellent post – I bought a note pad with the days of the week across it – I don’t write what I have to do on it, I use it for my accomplishments, when I finish something that has been hanging around, or am creative, I write it on the list to celebrate the things I AM getting done. So much more positive than crossing something off.

  • leaca
    Posted at 01:47h, 11 September Reply

    yay! i thought it was great how he recognized you and the group we all love to be a part of.

    you are the greatest for running the group, the blog, all of it. thanks!

  • melody is slurping life
    Posted at 04:57h, 11 September Reply

    Saw it…loved it…applauded you and all that is Shutter Sisters because of you. Thank you. Enjoy.

    I’m beginning to see, know and feel all that you’ve said in this post. And I will enjoy every single moment. Promise.

  • Golightly
    Posted at 06:37h, 11 September Reply

    All I can say with heartfelt passion is:


    Your post spoke to me on a very personal level, thanks for the insight and encouragement.

    Discovering your virtual friendship has been a pleasure and what a blessing of affectation from Scott. Although I’m often not organized to post a comment and/or link to SS in a timely fashion, I quite often point many people I know to the site. They always come away inspired.

    As for your work hanging in other people’s homes, I know one whom had you do her wedding and the birth of her children and family pictures for the last few years.

  • Iris
    Posted at 11:11h, 11 September Reply

    I was really touched by the way you expressed yourself. I’m happy I found the Shutter Sisters. You seen like a wonderful group of people.

  • Jody
    Posted at 22:14h, 11 September Reply

    I love being a part of Shutter Sisters. It brings a real sense of closeness that is sometimes hard to achieve in our daily lives. And its nice to have a common goal. To take pictures and share them..with our sisters.

    You are a great inspiration in many ways to us and we thank you tracy =)

  • Maya
    Posted at 02:52h, 12 September Reply

    You truly are such an inspiration. I so want to be more active on Shutter Sisters and keep finding it on my to-do list that sounds a lot like yours…never getting checked off completely.

    You are always so honest through your words and photos!

  • robin-bird
    Posted at 05:34h, 14 September Reply

    thanks so much for coming by and visiting my blog..i so related to this post. sometimes i think i am in the most disadvantaged position to see myself, my work or my abilities with adequate appreciation. one of the best things about blogging is how the view of those who comment mirror a part of my self that i don’t recognize or even know. it is grand fun… and very enlightening!

    thanks for Shutter Sisters. it is a perfect place for me to be a part of the community of woman with cameras. it was Love Thursday at first sight 🙂

  • Lizabeth
    Posted at 21:57h, 20 September Reply

    This moment, Here, it is enough. Thank you. And thank you for your supportive words. They are much appreciated.

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