14 May last summer
Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us. – Oscar Wilde
I was recently asked to excavate some of images from my archives. What a pleasure it turned out to be to pour over picture after picture of memories that were longing to be stirred awake.
I encourage you to take a minute to dive into an old file of photos and let the memories flood your heart and soul. If there is something you want to share, you can leave a link in the comments. I’d love to share that memory.
Posted at 11:40h, 14 Maya favorite memory is so sweet!
Posted at 17:06h, 14 Mayi just did this because my daughter turned one, and we went back to where we got married. it was amazing to think how much it’s all changed! (scroll down to our wedding photo, and the little pink tree in the second photo is the one we were married under ;o) )
(ps dairy or diary?)
Posted at 19:42h, 14 Mayah, just the colors in that photo take me back to my own last summer at the beach memories. just took a random peek and found this one
Not the perfect image by any stretch, but for some reason I don’t remember seeing it the first time around. We had a lot of foggy, drizzly weather that week, but not like she noticed. I couldn’t count how many times she was back and forth to the water that day.
Posted at 23:12h, 14 Maydid you just say "take a minute"?!
whenever i delve into past folders, i enter a time warp and suddenly minutes become hours and i get lost in the memories.
and it’s a very delicious lost indeed 🙂
Amy Jo
Posted at 01:05h, 15 MayI was just digging through some old folders last weekend and it ended up being one of my favorite parts of mother’s day.
Jessica New
Posted at 04:04h, 15 MayThat picture just made me feel good on the inside… It’s the kind of shot that when you look at it, you take a deep breath & relax!! Thanks for sharing & I want you to email it to me so I can frame it & put it on my wall!! LOVE IT!!!
Posted at 19:10h, 15 MayTracey, we need to come up w/ call letters for whatever creative channel we seem to be tuned into simultaneously on so many occasions. I’ve been posting From the Archives photos this week because I’ve got so much going on lately:
katrina lauren
Posted at 01:00h, 09 Julythis photo jumped right out at me! i think it’s beautiful! it makes me want to head to the ocean and take a deep breathe of the clean salty air!
enjoying your blog!