(Less than) 24 Hours in Chicago

(Less than) 24 Hours in Chicago

What I Know For Sure

Life is full of surprises.
Magic is happening behind the scenes of our lives whether we recognize it or not.
I am surrounded by an incredible support system both off-line and on. Thank you all!
I choose to live in Southern California for a reason (namely the weather).
Having your hair and make-up done by professionals is worth the trip.
The last few days have been a grand adventure.
This is only the beginning.
And last but certainly not least,
what happens at the Oprah show, stays at the Oprah show.

  • Jessica New
    Posted at 07:37h, 20 November Reply

    You guys look sooooo good! I LOVE this picture! I’m sure whatever happened in that whirlwind 24 hours will be engraved in your memory for a lifetime…. Congrats!

  • jeanamarie
    Posted at 09:01h, 20 November Reply

    wow! Congratulations, what fantastic news – it sounds so exciting! (here via shutter sisters)

  • Shelli
    Posted at 12:26h, 20 November Reply

    Wow. Congratulations on this exciting event! I can’t wait to hear more.

  • Jean M Fogle
    Posted at 12:30h, 20 November Reply

    You never know where life will lead you! Being open to change is important and obviously you were ready!
    My post today is about how a 13 lb dog changed my life!

  • Bunny
    Posted at 12:30h, 20 November Reply

    Oh my goodness, tracy, I can! not! wait! to hear what all this Oprah business is about. It’s like you’ve been to the mother ship and now have to share your knowledge with the rest of us.

  • MGF
    Posted at 13:31h, 20 November Reply

    Can’t wait to see you on TV. I feel like I sort of know a super star……. (when at least your photography)

  • meredithwinn
    Posted at 14:28h, 20 November Reply

    congratulations! you are beautiful… and one of the best gifts i think you’ve been given is feeling the truth that magic is truly happening around us all the time.
    and our gift is that you share it.

    you are in it now, you and deserve it!! i can’t wait to hear more.

  • Chris
    Posted at 16:49h, 20 November Reply

    So when will know more?!! LOL. Congrats girlfriend. Everything happens for a reason; you are where you need to be.

  • Kirsetin
    Posted at 17:39h, 20 November Reply

    I can’t wait to hear more!

  • sweetsalty kate
    Posted at 19:58h, 20 November Reply

    Tracey, you are a knockout!

  • melody is slurping life
    Posted at 20:20h, 20 November Reply

    You (and he) are beautiful people…in so many ways.

    Now *squeal* you at least have to tell us when it will air. K?

  • Maggie
    Posted at 20:39h, 20 November Reply

    A huge congratulations Tracey! What an exciting time – and I can’t WAIT to see you on Oprah!!!

  • laura - dolcepics
    Posted at 20:43h, 20 November Reply

    Wow! Can’t wait to hear more about it! Congrats!

  • Christina
    Posted at 21:58h, 20 November Reply

    You’ve got to stop teasing us, we’ll go crazy- we want details!!! So excited for you, and to see the show!

  • PeetsMom
    Posted at 23:02h, 20 November Reply

    That is a terrific shot of your guys! Can’t wait to talk to you…thought I’d give you a moment to settle!


  • Megan
    Posted at 23:43h, 20 November Reply

    can’t wait to see the final results!

  • Donna
    Posted at 03:05h, 21 November Reply

    Looking forward to hearing all about your “O” experience

  • Isabel Kallman
    Posted at 07:16h, 21 November Reply

    Oooh. I am so excited for you. please tell us when.

    I’m going to start guessing. You were there to help teach how to photograph for the holidays and print out on Oprah’s favorite printer….

  • Jeanine
    Posted at 11:03h, 21 November Reply

    OMG! YAY! WOW! (if I could come up with more 3-letter words to describe JOY, I would 🙂 Seriously, how cool is that? I can’t wait to hear all about the experience.

  • Cara
    Posted at 20:40h, 21 November Reply

    So cool. Congrats on your adventure.

  • Elizabeth
    Posted at 04:37h, 22 November Reply

    great photo. Congratulations!

  • Karen Maezen Miller
    Posted at 04:53h, 22 November Reply

    Joy becomes you.

  • Maria
    Posted at 02:26h, 23 November Reply

    Beautiful you!

  • toyfoto
    Posted at 20:54h, 23 November Reply

    How exciting!

  • Jody
    Posted at 08:27h, 25 November Reply

    ooOOo yes Please let us know when you’re going to be on Oprah!

    I don’t hardly know if I can stand waiting lol.

    I hope you had a blast =)

  • kim klassen
    Posted at 13:36h, 08 January Reply

    what a beautiful photo!!

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