Love and Loss (almost)

Love and Loss (almost)

We almost lost her today. Almost.

We’ve spent eighteen years together. That’s a long time to have a cat like companion as a part of your everyday life. And a lot of Love. When she does have to leave us, we will miss her terribly. Just like we miss her mother and her sister. I felt that ache of loss today and it hurts.

I will be spending this Love Thursday loving a big black cat like there’s no tomorrow.
  • Shama-Lama Mama
    Posted at 06:15h, 07 February Reply

    Oh, I totally understand. My kitty Hailey was nearly 19 when I chose not to have her revived after a surgery had begun and things were found to be worse than believed.

    Enjoy your time with your kitty. I wish I had had a little more…

  • bleeding espresso
    Posted at 07:55h, 07 February Reply

    Oh I hear you too. There’s just nothing like the love for a pet. They truly make the world a better place.

    Speaking of which, I wrote a bit about my pooches today:“ REL=”nofollow”>Letting Sleeping Dogs Lie

    Happy Love Thursday!

  • Jessica New
    Posted at 08:30h, 07 February Reply

    Okay, that is too sad…. It just doesn’t feel right to have to be the one to make “that type” of a decision, does it? Sorry for your heart ache. Life sometimes really hurts.

  • Jeanine
    Posted at 12:01h, 07 February Reply

    So sad. I lost my dog and my cat over the past 16 months and it’s so crushing. Take care.

  • FireMom
    Posted at 14:24h, 07 February Reply

    Oh, cats. I miss mine so much.

    Happy Love Thursday.

  • alli
    Posted at 14:42h, 07 February Reply

    I hope you get many more days with your black kitty.

  • Maya
    Posted at 14:47h, 07 February Reply

    I feel your pain. I hope that your last moments together are precious and will be cherished.

  • Mama Drama Jenny, the Bloggess
    Posted at 15:03h, 07 February Reply

    You’re making me cry here.

  • nikkipolani
    Posted at 16:37h, 07 February Reply

    Oh Tracey. I was in your place three months ago and I understand that ache. I did lose my cat, who was going to turn 20 this year. I hope you get to spend lots of time with your little furry dear one.

  • tracey
    Posted at 21:00h, 07 February Reply

    Thanks everyone. She’s still not doing well and so good-byes have been inevitable. Now, it’s just a heartbreaking waiting game.

  • Cassie
    Posted at 21:15h, 07 February Reply

    Thanks for your comment. I hope that your goodbyes aren’t too painful.

    HA! That’s funny. Cats are the best ever, and all leave a special mark in our lives.

    Keep the love up! I think the best way a cat could pass is with a purr and a nap.

  • HipMomma
    Posted at 22:06h, 07 February Reply

    We consider our dog our first child and would miss her terribly. I so understand. I hope Cat gives you some more smiles for awhile.

  • Left-handed Trees...
    Posted at 00:01h, 08 February Reply

    Aww…we lost our cat (had him for 18 years too) two months back…somehow we thought we’d have him always, so I understood this post!

  • O
    Posted at 23:55h, 08 February Reply

    Savor each & every moment with your kitty 🙂 The love you get from a pet is so sweet. Hugs to you.

  • krystyn
    Posted at 04:09h, 09 February Reply

    Tracey, I am sitting here with my puppy at my feet and my heart breaks for you.

    I’ve never lost a pet like this — I had a cat that ran away and I fretted over her — but nothing like this. I can’t imagine.

    My dad fosters for a rescue and this brings to mind an email he sent me when he lost a cat in his care. It’s positive and may bring some light to you:

    I have a blessing candle lit for you and your family. Take care.

  • inspired knitter
    Posted at 23:58h, 09 February Reply

    it’s so hard to lose a pet…especially one that has been part of your life for so long! last summer we lost lu who was only 2…so sad! our animals keep us real and grounded and kind. sorry!

    Posted at 01:19h, 11 February Reply

    Our family has had a lot of this kind of stuff lately… hugs. The kids are still processing the whole thing.

  • melody is slurping life
    Posted at 16:22h, 12 February Reply

    Sweet hugs.

  • cheeky
    Posted at 01:44h, 21 February Reply

    I just found you blog via Shutter Sisters which I found via another blog. Really lovely!
    Came to have a peek as I was drawn in by your profile pic at SS. I love that shot.
    Hope your cat is resting and well. They are a part of the family and their absence is difficult. I know. The love they give remains forever in our hearts. Sending warm wishes your way.

  • Molly
    Posted at 00:10h, 03 March Reply

    It’s so tough when you’ve had them for so long, through so many of your journeys. The best companion indeed.

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